Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

13 Ways to Live While Waiting to Receive Your Promise

For quite some time, my family and I have been living in what I like to call the messy middle, the time between God's promise and its fulfillment. How do we live victoriously in those times?

Go back to what you know.

Sit down with pad and paper and write down what you know. How do you know this is God’s promise? What has He shown you? What Scriptures has He used to lead and encourage you along the way?

Go with what you know, even if it doesn’t make sense.

Now, go with it. Believe it. Sometimes what God calls us to won’t make sense, but that’s OK. God doesn’t usually do things the way we’re used to them being done. Is what He’s promised impossible? Great! Impossible is where the work of God really begins.

Don’t just believe in God, believe Him!

Far too many Christians stop at mere belief in God. That may be enough for salvation, but ultimately, if we’re going to live the life Jesus died for us to have––a wonderfully, full life––we’re going to have to start believing what God says in His Word. Now, of course, that requires us to know the Word, so that would be the place to start. Get into the Word. Read those promises. And then believe them! Believe Him!

Rely on your faith, not your circumstances.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” I’ve heard many say, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” when faced with a difficult or even impossible situation, but that’s NOT faith! Do not allow your circumstances to smother your faith. When facing our latest obstacle in our adoption, I told my husband, “Unless God tells me something different, I have to believe.” And the same goes for you: unless God speaks otherwise, keep believing!

Recognize your battle.

As Christ followers, we have an enemy who challenges everything good God works in our lives. We’re not called to focus on the enemy or the opposition, but we are called to learn how to take up the whole armor of God so we can stand firm (Ephesians 6:13).

Pray, worship, and fast BEFORE you have reason to.

One way to live out our faith is by praying, worshipping, and fasting before we have reason to. This is what it looks like to seek (and praise!) the Lord with your whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. Prayer, worship, and fasting moves God! Something happens in the spiritual realm when we engage Him in these ways, not as a means of manipulation to get what we want, but by simply coming to Him as a child comes to her Father in her time of need.

Recognize and work through your doubts.

It’s OK to doubt. Doubts can actually strengthen your faith, so don’t deny your doubts. Work through them. Don’t let them draw you away from God, but instead, take them to Jesus and allow Him to speak to them.

Know there’s purpose in waiting.

Waiting may seem like a waste of time, but it’s not. It’s a time when things are happening behind the curtain. A time when God moves on our behalf. A time when all things are being placed just where they ought to be so the very outcome God intends can be delivered. God’s timing is perfect. I know that may sound trite or annoying, but on the other side of the promise, we’ll see just how spot on He really was.

Don’t Give Up!

I wonder how many Christians never reached their promised land simply because they gave up too soon. I wonder how many followers of Christ have settled for lesser things because they lacked endurance. I can tell you one thing. I don’t want to be one of them! I want to believe God for great things. And I want you to as well. We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ, but remember, in order to receive all God wants to bless us with, we must be willing to persevere. So do not give up!

Living in the messy middle isn’t about manipulating God to get what we want. It’s about living in victorious faith even when we cannot see what He’s up to. Even when we feel like we’re surrounded by darkness. Even when we face one insurmountable obstacle after another on the way to our promised land. It’s about winning the battle on our knees, in complete surrender and dependence on the Lord. I once heard someone say God’s promises don’t take us out of the battle, they give us strength to stay in the fight. God most certainly goes before us, and the victory is ultimately His, but our part of the battle is waged on our knees as we pray, fast, and worship, bringing thanksgiving and glory to our mighty God.

This, my friend, is living victoriously in the messy middle.

Laurie Coombs is a passionate writer and speaker on the issues of forgiveness, redemption, and the hope found in Jesus. She is the author of Letters from My Father’s Murderer: A Journey of Forgiveness, an incredible true story of grace, mercy, and the redemptive power of God. Her story was featured in Billy Graham’s film, Heaven, as well as on many other national and regional radio and television programs. She is a contributor to Zondervan’s NIV Bible for Women and writes at,, and Laurie and her husband, Travis, make their home in Nevada along with their two daughters. To connect with Laurie, please visit or find her on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

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