Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

10 Ways to Wait on God

working woman

“He took the calf that they had made and burned it with fire and ground it into powder and scattered it on the water and made the people of Israel drink it” (Ex. 32:20).

Throughout the exodus Moses was diligent about purging idolatry from his people. The waiting room has that effect. Often, waiting exposes idols in my own heart. As my heart gets squirmy, I often come face to face with the fact that I am looking to something other than God to meet my needs. Then I have to swallow my pride, which tastes about as bitter as the powdered gold Moses’ made His people drink, and repent. Because of this pattern, I have found the waiting room to often be a gift. It is there that God does business with my heart. It almost always hurts, but the end result is a heart more devoted to God. If waiting makes your heart go wild, ask the Lord to reveal any idols you may have settled for.

7. Celebrate!

Moses’ people did lots of wandering, but they also did plenty of partying.

“On the day of your gladness also, and at your appointed feasts and at the beginning of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings. They shall be a reminder of you before your God: I am the LORD your God” (Num. 10:10).

Even in the waiting room, God has given you much to celebrate. Instead of focusing on all that He has not done yet, rejoice about all He has already done for you.

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say rejoice” (Phil. 4:4).

8. Keep Your Eyes on the Promised Land

What has God promised you? Even if He has not delivered yet. Even if the finish line is nowhere in sight, you can take His promises to the bank. Moses knew that and spoke these words,

“Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations” (Deut. 7:9).

Moses knew what it was like to wait. He waited longer and more often than I ever have, but all of that waiting didn’t weaken his faith. It strengthened it. In the end, he decided God is faithful. We can trust Him to take us where He has promised He will.

9. Seek God

One phrase Moses uttered over and over in the wilderness was, “Let me ask the Lord.” He was constantly double-checking with God that they were headed in the right direction. As you wait, seek God often. Read His Word. Squeeze your desires and plans through them and make sure you are headed in the right direction.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matt. 6:33).

10. Enjoy the Journey

While Moses waited for God to deliver His people into the Promised Land, he saw:

  • God change Pharaoh’s heart
  • God part the Red Sea
  • Food rain from heaven and water spout from rocks
  • Clothing and sandals that did not wear out for 40 years
  • A pillar of fire led Moses by day and a cloud of smoke by night
  • By God’s power alone, somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 million people survived in the desert for 40 years. Moses had a front row seat.

God may not be doing the one thing you want Him to do at this moment, but He is doing a million things that He promises are working for your good (Rom. 8:28). Don’t get tunnel vision, honing in only on what has not happened yet. Widen the lens and see all He has already done.

Moses refused to try to manipulate God. He waited well and stayed ready to move when God called, and what a ride he got to take! As I wait, I want to be like Moses. Do you?

Taken from Erin Davis’s blog post “The Next Time Life Has You in the Waiting Room.” Used with permission.

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