Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Psalm 53:1-6 Throughout our lives we may do things that seem foolish to others. Paul said, “We are fools for Christ.” I’ll never forget hosting a dentist and his wife who were full time in the ministry of the Lord. They traveled wherever the Lord told them to go. The dentist had a successful dental practice and gave up the security of this business to obey the Lord’s call on his life.

When we first met this couple, nothing in their manner or outward appearance was impressive. What was outstanding in their lives, however, were a love and zeal for the Lord that few have. To the world, these two would be considered foolish. They, however, were fools for Christ.

The guest room where we housed them was right next to our bedroom. Only a thin wall separated us from them when we slept. As I was drifting off to sleep one night I heard the Lord say, “You are housing two of my precious fools who have laid their lives down for My sake.”

God is always pleased when we do things that appear foolish in the eyes of the world for His sake. I would rather be a fool for Christ than a fool who says in his heart, “There is no God” (Ps. 53:1).

The world is filled with brilliant fools who deny the existence of God. Their intellect blocks them from the childlike faith needed to enter into the kingdom of God. The truly wise are those who not only believe there is a God, but who are willing to sacrifice all for Him. The two fools for Christ in our guest bedroom were actually two of the wisest people I have ever met.

Lord, help me to be willing to appear foolish to the eyes of the world. I want to do Your will more than I want to please men. Your opinion of me is much more important than the world’s opinion of me. By the way, I don’t mind it at all if you call me one of Your fools.

READ: Isaiah 3:1-5:30; 2 Corinthians 11:1-15; Psalm 53:1-6; Proverbs 22:28-29

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