Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Charisma Media archives

It’s a new day. Lines are being drawn.

Goliath stands before us. David’s army is ready to confront the evils of our day. Saul’s army is just trying to comply. Which army will you be a part of?

Both are Christian, but one is victorious and advancing, and the other is powerless. One can shout but has no clout, while the other has a shout and has power to destroy the enemy. It’s the day of the Lord’s army. The prophetic army. God is raising up new ways to ministry that are not bound down by religion and church protocols.

He is helping the prophetic people of God to break free of old models that are not relevant. The prophets and the prophetic people of God are the ones that are responsible to continue to step into the new day. They are forerunners who help show the rest of the body of Christ what is available.

They are like Joshua and Caleb who went into the promised land and can see the new land to be taken. They see the enemy as grasshoppers and themselves as giants. This is the army of the Lord.

When you have the Spirit of the Lord in you and not the religious or political spirit, you have a powerful overcoming Spirit that says we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

There are new modes of battle strategy that are emerging that are here to help the people of God become relevant again. How long will we try to hype up the current traditional expression of church that is upon us? You need to find the new wineskin and pour some new wine into it.

We are people of wisdom, so we take the old wine, and the new, and don’t lose either. But so many of us are loyal to the old traditional system of church that meets on Sunday, and we are trying to put all our eggs in that basket. There are so many people that will never go to that form of gathering. So, we must create new ways of impacting. Online, in businesses, in homes, on the streets. This is nothing new, but I feel such a fire in me to see us step into this. I am seeing such fruit in the people of God that are embracing the new that God is doing. Will you be a part of the new? Or will you just keep protecting the old regime that is fear and loyalty based.

Listen to my powerful and provoking new podcast to hear and see what this new breed of prophets and the prophetic army looks like, and to join the Emerging Prophets Certification program that is just starting. It will train you to be a part of this new army. Please visit

Keith Ferrante founded and runs a movement called Emerging Prophets. The purpose of this movement is to discover, develop and deploy revival and reformer prophets into every sphere of society. Keith also founded and runs a prophetic consulting movement that helps businesspeople get breakthrough in their businesses. Keith is also an author. Prophesying Like a Prophet and 5-Fold Entrepreneur are two of his latest books. You can find his books and other info about Keith at

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