Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Psalm 73:1-28 All of us from time to time in our lives have been besieged with doubt. In this psalm David was saying to God, “What is the use of living a righteous life? All the wicked are prospering, and here I am suffering.” He felt this way until he went into the sanctuary and sought the Lord. As he quieted his spirit, he began to hear the voice of the Lord, and he understood the end of the wicked. He understood that the wicked ultimately would be judged and destroyed, but he would be accepted by God and not destroyed. Then David makes this wonderful statement: “Nevertheless, I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory” (vv. 23-24).

What a statement! From doubt to total security. The thought of God holding me by my right hand through whatever storm I am facing overwhelms my soul with comfort. I can remember as a little girl how safe and secure I felt when my father reached for my right hand to assist me across the street. As we first started to cross the street, a little fear and doubt would assail me, but I knew I would make it safely across because Daddy was always on the alert to watch out for any traffic that was coming toward us. We cross many streets in this life, and God, our heavenly Father, knows what is coming our way. He will always see us across safely whatever trial or test we might be facing.

What is facing us on the other side of the street? When we cross the last street in this life, glory awaits us. Think of it. I like what my pastor’s wife says about the death of His saints. She shares that the saints at death say “Halle-“on this side and “-lujah” on the other side. David said, “You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.” What have we to fear? We do not even have to fear death because Jesus has taken away the sting of death, and the grave no longer holds any victory.

How did David reach a place of such security and safety after having such doubt and fear? He quieted his spirit and began to remember the times God had held his right hand through other horrific troubles and trials.

Today you may be going through a deep struggle with your faith. The fiery darts of doubt are coming toward you like rushing traffic. You are in the middle of the street of this trying circumstance. Remember, God has not abandoned you. He is holding your right hand, and He will see you safely across this difficult time and all the trials you may face in the future.

Lord, thank You for holding my right hand and for giving me Your counsel.

READ: Isaiah 62:6-65:25; Philippians 2:19-3:3; Psalm 73:1-28; Proverbs 24:13-14

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