Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Proverbs 17:14-15 We talked yesterday about the holy rain that descends when we praise the Lord. Today’s proverb talks about strife and compares it to the letting out of water. We have a dam close by us, and on certain days the dam is opened to let out the water into the river. Before this happens, an alarm sounds to warn all those on the river to go to shore to avoid the rushing current that is about to be released. If anyone ignores that warning alarm and does not reach shore, he runs the risk of having his boat capsized by the raging currents, and he could drown.

When we get into strife, it is like the letting out of water. First the current of anger is at a low level, but if we continue in strife, the anger level raises to such a raging current that we run the risk of capsizing ourselves and the ones we are coming against in strife. The advice in this proverb is to leave off contention. Do you know that the source of all contention is pride? We want to prove our point, so we argue until we supposedly win. There are, however, no winners when strife continues. Another source of strife is jealousy that left uncontrolled can lead to murder. The first murder was rooted in jealousy. Cain killed Abel because he felt God favored Abel over himself. He was jealous. James tells us that where there is envy, there is also strife that leads to confusion and every evil work (James 3:16).

If you don’t want a flood of evil work in your life, then leave off contention. Avoid strife at any cost.

Lord, forgive me for when I have allowed strife to take control of my life. I have hurt others with my words, and I am so sorry. Help me with the power of Your Holy Spirit to avoid strife in the future. Thank You, Lord.

READ: 1 Kings 19:1-21; Acts 12:1-23; Psalm 136:1-26; Proverbs 17:14-15


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