Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

There are few things that Satan hates worse than Christians on their knees. In fact, it is the enemy’s goal to see that the prayers of God’s people do not reach heaven. He knows that God has chosen to partner with His people in fulfilling His plans on earth—and prayer is a crucial part of the equation.

Not surprisingly, then, when we come to God in prayer on behalf of others, often we will need to battle against the powers of darkness. Satan knows where people are weak, and he attempts to enter through the weak spots in their lives to take them captive.

Every “weak spot” he exploits becomes an area of bondage—an area where he sets up a “stronghold” in their lives. It is God’s will for you, as a believer in Christ, to tear down these strongholds and loose people in areas where they have not been able to freely function.

Fortunately, God has already provided all that is necessary for successful spiritual warfare. Your part is to will to use the weapons that His Word guarantees will destroy enemy strongholds. Let’s look at four key weapons that lead to victory in prayer:

1. The Name of Jesus: Our Authority

The first weapon in effective spiritual warfare is taking your authority in Christ. The name of Jesus has power on earth, in heaven and in hell. Since you are a temple of His Spirit and the same Holy Spirit dwells in you that was in Christ, you can use His name just as though He Himself were here. “I give you the authority…over all the power of the enemy” Jesus promises in Luke 10:19 (NKJV).

The power of the Holy Spirit in you gives you authority to use the name of Jesus to defeat the enemy. It can be likened to a policeman who can halt a huge truck just by standing in the middle of the highway and holding up his hand to signal “Stop!” The policeman, wearing his badge, has authority behind him to stop traffic and forbid the truck to proceed when a law has been violated. Intercessors, too, must use their delegated authority to stop demonic forces from wreaking havoc with God’s people.

Your authority in using the name of Jesus, however, is tied to your personal relationship with Him. That relationship, nurtured by your time of fellowship with the Lord, ensures that you will use this authority only in ways that will glorify Him. Notice the example of Peter and John speaking to the lame man at the temple gate in Acts 3:1-8.

On the other hand, note what happened to those who tried to use the name of Jesus without proper authority in Acts 19:11-17. If you are walking in proper relationship to Jesus Christ, the enemy must submit to your authority when you use the name of Jesus (see Mark 16:17,18).

2. The Blood of Jesus: Our Covering

The name of Jesus is your power of attorney; the blood of Jesus is the official seal that secures your right to use it. When God released the plague of death against Egypt, forcing Pharaoh to free the Jews, God instructed the Jewish people to put the blood of an unblemished lamb over the doorposts of their homes. The angel of death then passed over every house that was covered with the blood of the lamb (see Ex. 12:3-13,29-30).

Today Jesus, the perfect Lamb of God, offers the same kind of protection through the power of His innocent blood shed on Calvary for all those who believe. The blood of Jesus is an effective spiritual weapon because it:

* gives salvation, birthing us into His kingdom and keeping us from eternal damnation (see Mark 16:16; John 3:3,17)

* makes atonement for us, blotting out our sins (see Lev. 17:11; Rom. 5:11)

* redeems us. Our life is paid for in full, bought back from the power of sin and death (see Ps. 107:2; Eph. 1:7; Rev. 5:9).

* justifies us and acquits us of sin and guilt (see Acts 13:38-39; Rom. 5:9)

* makes us righteous and puts us back into right standing with God (see Is. 59:2; Rom. 3:22-25; 1 John 1:9)

* gives sanctification, setting us apart unto God at the time of salvation as well as each day thereafter (see 1 Cor. 1:30; Heb. 10:10,14)

* allows the remission of sins (see Rom. 3:24-25; Heb. 9:22)

* reconciles us. Accepting God’s provision, we can now fellowship with Him in love (see Rom. 5:10; Col. 1:20).

* gives overcoming power as we receive and use what has been delegated to us (see Luke 10:19; Rev. 12:11)

* provides deliverance, releasing us from the powers of darkness and setting us free (see 2 Cor. 2:14; Col. 1:13)

* releases forgiveness and pardons sins (see Col. 1:14; 1 John 1:9)

* establishes a new covenant that replaces the old covenant of sacrifices with the perfect sacrifice made through Jesus Christ (see Heb. 7:22; 8:13; 9:15)

* cleanses us from all sin (see 1 John 1:7).

“Pleading the blood of Jesus” is a tactic for intercession that has been used by prayer warriors for many, many years. I can personally testify to times when the blood of Jesus has protected me from an onslaught of the enemy.

Because of abuse, however, it has become somewhat controversial. To “plead the blood of Jesus” over a person for his or her protection is simply to remind the enemy of his boundaries. Thank God for the blood of Jesus that washes away our sins and causes the wicked plans of the enemy to pass over us!

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