Using Worship as a Weapon

Worship is a powerful weapon that can change us. I believe that God’s goal is to transform us before changing our surroundings.

How Worship Affects You Personally

Worship is the only thing we give to God that He didn’t first give to us. So, nothing we offer to God is really ours.

God doesn’t share worship. Many love their preferences over God’s presence. The heart of worship is obedience to God. Read Matthew 4:20-24.

There Will Always Be a Counterfeit

Anywhere you have true worship, you will encounter a counterfeit, like Herod in Matthew 2:8, or Cain in Genesis 4.

“Fake worship” refers to a lack of a genuine pursuit of God. A counterfeit worshipper is revealed in how they treat people after they worship. God doesn’t want us to worship Him and be unrighteous in our conduct.

God is Good

Bad things don’t happen to good people because we are not good people. Jesus Christ was the only “good” person to whom bad things happened because He voluntarily died for us. We should be amazed by God’s benevolence towards us. Seeing life through the lens of the Gospel results in grateful hearts.

We cannot remain paranoid about our problems when we truly worship because God brings His peace.

Worship Bends our Will

Your primary goal isn’t changing how you treat people. Your goal should be to fully surrender to God as your King and worship, like the wise men in Matthew 2:11.

If you don’t bend your will in worship, life will break it in crisis.

I encourage you to worship, even when your understanding and experiences with God are limited. Bending your will is telling God, not my will but Your will be done, including in moments of fear and uncertainty.

Worship in every circumstance because He is worthy!

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Vladimir Savchuk leads the HungryGen movement and pastors a multi-cultural church with a clear-cut, focused vision to see the salvation of souls, healing, deliverance, and the raising of young leaders. He leads the annual Raised to Deliver conference which attract thousands from all over the globe. He leads three different internships. He is a sought-after speaker at conferences and camps. Visit his website at

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