Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Use These Tools to Tap Into a Higher Level of Discernment and Spiritual Awareness

What fuels your purpose?

Have you ever talked with someone and immediately knew it was imperative to listen? This happened to me when I had one of the most powerful interviews I have ever had with Staci Wallace on a recent episode of Living in the Light on the Charisma Podcast Network. The Esther and Deborah anointing on her life brought wisdom and discernment.

What was it she said that gripped my heart and elevated my thinking? Was it the 1% method she discussed which challenges people to improve with little steps towards faith, family, finances, fitness and freedom? While this is great advice, it was not that.

Could it have been the S.W.E.E.T spot audit where a person takes an honest evaluation of their strengths, weaknesses, energy expenditure, execution and time blocking? Again, while this internal self-checkup is amazing, that still was not it.

What was it then?

It was the ability to transcend human thinking and have the mind of Christ.

While I thought I was already doing this, I realized I did not continually live in that mentality. Sometimes I react out of emotions on a human level. If you are like me, which you probably are, different aspects trigger us to pursue our purpose. Sometimes we reach out to others because of our own painful past. Or maybe we just want to help others.

While these are not bad, they remain human motivation and are limited by our ability. But when we seek (truly seek by sitting at His feet daily) what God wants to do through us, we raise above our mindset and embrace a heavenly perspective. Jesus said, “I only do what I see my Father doing. I only speak what I hear my father saying.” (See John 5:19.) You and I can live with the mind of Christ continually. This is where ministries explode in power with the fire of God and bring abundance.

What happened in Staci’s life to shift her thinking? It might have been when she gave everything away—money, title, platform and position.

I encourage you to listen to Staci’s interview to help shift your thinking beyond what you can imagine, think or dream. {eoa}

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