Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

View all this as a glorious chance to prove the power of God to keep you in peace and in hope and in sweetness of spirit. In that sense “expose yourself” to those circumstances. Do not fret against them. Do not fret by a dour countenance those who cause them to be. “Beloved, let us love” (1 John 4:7) is a wonderful word for such difficult situations. And love is happy, not dour.

Even if you seem to be pushing through some long trailing wisp of cloud, like that which lies on the face of the Matterhorn, be of good cheer. Your God has not forsaken you.

Often we find ourselves in precipitous, perhaps cloudy places because of some act of obedience. Such acts are called “ventures of faith,” but there is no venture where faith is concerned. We walk on rock, not on quicksand, when we obey. But there is no promise that the rock will be a leveled path, or like the carpet of roses that Cleopatra spread for the officers of Mark Anthony.

Sooner or later God meets every trusting child who is following Him up the mountain and says, “Now prove that you believe this that you have told Me you believe, and that you have taught others to believe.” Then is your opportunity.

God knows, and you know, that there was always a hope in your heart that a certain way would not be yours. “Anything but that, Lord,” had been your earnest prayer. And then, perhaps quite suddenly, you found your feet set on that way, that and no other. Do you still hold fast to your faith that He makes your way perfect?

It does not look perfect. It looks like a road that has lost its sense of direction: a broken road, a wandering road, a strange mistake. And yet, either it is perfect, or all that you have believed crumbles like a rope of sand in your hands. There is no middle choice between faith and despair.

Amy Carmichael (1867-1951) was a missionary who labored in India for 56 years. She founded the Dohnavur Fellowship, which eventually became a large compound that included a hospital and a house of prayer, to provide care for needy children. Adapted from Gold by Moonlight by Amy Carmichael, copyright © 1995. Published by Christian Literature Crusade. Used by permission.

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