Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Recently Charisma magazine reported on a crusade in Nigeria that was hosted by German evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. During the six days of the crusade, a record number of people–3.4 million–made decisions to receive Christ.

In a television interview not long after the crusade Bonnke said:”The tide is coming in! The immovable is now movable; the impossible is now possible; the incurable is now curable!”

I believe Bonnke’s comment was a prophetic statement about the spiritual atmosphere in the world today. Many leaders, both Christian and secular, have sensed a turning of the spiritual tide. Related to the recent change of leadership in our nation, a secular newscaster declared that “God is in,” and U.S. News & World Report raised the question, “Is America undergoing a spiritual awakening?”

This new wave of the Holy Spirit–one of many that have occurred throughout church history­has implications for all of us.

On a personal level, it encourages us to believe God for the miraculous in our lives. Do you have a loved one who is unsaved? Begin to apply the Word in faith for God’s answer. Have you received a prophetic promise that is not fulfilled? Ask God if this is His time of fulfillment, and then act in faith to see His promises come to pass.

On a broader scale, the current season of spiritual renewal challenges us to believe God for the miraculous in the nations. It is not difficult to see how desperately the world needs God’s touch!
Here at home, the moral fiber of our nation has disintegrated, and many of the younger generation have never heard the name of Jesus Christ except as a swear word. National leaders claim to be Christians but live immorally. Even some church leaders have chosen to flaunt their lives of willful disobedience to God’s law.

It is time for us to rise up and let our voices be heard for righteousness!

How do we begin? First, we must allow the Holy Spirit to work freely in our own hearts and bring to light the things that prevent us from being wholehearted for God. We must repent and allow Him to replace them with His life.

Next, we must be prepared to step out of our comfort zones and take Jesus to the world. In every issue of SpiritLed Woman, we provide examples of women from the past (“Forerunners of Faith”) and the present (“On the Forefront”) who have stepped out in this way–and who have accomplished significant things for God.

Do you feel a nudging in your spirit to do something outside your “box”? Nothing is too big to believe God for! With Him, all things are possible (see Mark 10:27).

And He has promised that if we ask, He will give us the nations as our inheritance (see Ps. 2:8). Why not ask Him how you can be a catalyst for a righteous revolution?

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