Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Ezekiel 12:1-14:11 There are many prophetic scriptures in Ezekiel. In this passage God promises to no longer prolong His Word. He says, “For I am the Lord, I speak, and the word which I speak will come to pass; it will no more be postponed” (Ezek. 42:25).

God always performs the word He sends. The question we on earth often ask is, “When will this word be fulfilled?” Until it is fulfilled we wait expectantly with thanksgiving and with assurance that God will fulfill His promises and prophesies. Think of how long Abraham had to wait before the son of promise, Isaac, was born. He wearied of waiting and, at the urging of his wife, went ahead of God and fathered a child named Ishmael, who was born to Hagar. This impatience has cost Israel dearly. We would not have the Arab-Jewish problem today if Abraham had not become impatient. We can learn much from the father of our faith. We need to learn to wait upon God with the assurance that He will fulfill His promises at His appointed time, not ours. Finally Sarah conceived and gave birth to Isaac. God had said she would be visited at the appointed time. There was an appointed time for Sarah to give birth, and God saw to it that her time came right on time even though she was in her nineties.

Later as we read about Abraham we see how he was complimented on his faith because he hoped against hope when he was too old to be a father. He was one hundred years old, but he did not consider his body dead and believed God would fulfill His Word. He was fully persuaded that God was able to perform that which He had promised. When we receive a promise from God, we must trust His timing and resist the temptation to make things happen ourselves.

Let’s face it. Abraham “blew it,” but so do we. The good news is that God redeemed his mistake and did perform exactly the word He had given to Abraham. I believe the waiting time between the promise and the performance of God’s Word is being shortened in this day. God promises to do a short work in the last days, and this is because the Lord is coming soon.

Be encouraged today. Whatever God has promised you, rest assured He will deliver. He is true to His Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you wait with patience for the appointed time God has ordained to perform that promise in your life. Remember, good things are worth waiting for; resist the temptation to go ahead of God. He is faithful to perform His promises in His time.

Lord, forgive me for sometimes going ahead of You. Help me to learn to wait upon You with the assurance that Your timing is much better than mine. Thank You, Lord.

READ: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:39-45; Proverbs 27:3

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