Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Revelation 21:1-27 As we draw near to the end of our yearly readings, this passage in Revelation should cause our hearts to leap. If you know your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, you can look forward to living in the New Jerusalem. The description of this holy city is mind boggling, but I believe every word of it. Yes, we will walk streets of gold, and there will be gates made of pearl. There will be no need of the sun or the moon because the light will emanate from the glory of God.

As I read this passage, I can hear the words of that great song “The Holy City.” My mother sang it many times in many churches all over this city. As I meditate on the words, I can almost hear her singing this great hymn now, but this time she has a hosts of saints and angels joining her in the chorus “Jerusalem, Jerusalem!!” Mother died May 17, 1999, but she lives today in heaven and is singing with the saints who have gone before her. I can almost hear her beautiful contralto voice now.

Just after my mother had her stroke, she shared a vision she had with us. Her life was in the balance, and she could hardly talk, but we managed to hear what she described as she had a vision of heaven. She said, “I see a man standing by a huge lake. He is reading a book. He said, ‘It is not your time.’ I hear music, beautiful music.” Then my mother added these words as she looked into our eyes. She said, “Prayer is very important.”

God was using my mother’s vision to give us this message. Our prayers on earth do make a great difference, and God has chosen prayer to be His mode of operation while earth exists. Nothing is done in the realm of earth if we do not give God’s Word voice on earth through our prayers and declarations. We pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” When we pray this, we are hastening the day when the holy city will descend from heaven to earth and Jesus will rule and reign forever. Even so, Lord, come quickly!

Lord, help me to make prayer a top priority daily in my life.

READ: Malachi 1:1-2:17; Revelation 21:1-27; Psalm 149:1-9; Proverbs 31:10-24

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