Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Titus 2:1-15 I don’t feel aged, but since I am celebrating fifty-plus years as a Christian as I write these devotionals, I guess I have to admit that the golden years have now overtaken me. When I entered the season of the golden years of my life, I rejoiced because it has been a great season of teaching for me. In this passage of Titus Paul tells Titus that older women should teach younger women. Then he lists those subjects that should be taught to younger women. He says older women should teach younger women to:

1. Be discreet

2. Be chaste (pure)

3. Be good keepers of their homes

4. Be obedient to their husbands

I have always wanted daughters, and I was thrilled to finally get some girls in the family. I constantly prayed for my future daughters-in-law:

Lord, may my future daughters-in-law first love You with all their hearts, and then may they simply adore their husbands.

God wonderfully answered this prayer, and all my sons are happily married. Their wives are such wonderful complements to them in every way. All three sons now are teamed with women who love the Lord with all of their heart. As I looked at this list of what older women are to teach younger women, I thought to myself that truly my daughters-in-law could teach me some of these things. All three daughters-in-law are discreet and pure. They have the desire always to walk in a way that will glorify the Lord. They all have such a desire to beautify their little nests, and they all have a great gift of hospitality. They always try their best to be obedient to their husbands as unto the Lord.

If you are an older woman, maybe the Lord is calling you to mentor and be a mother-like one to young women. You do not have to have daughters or daughters-in-law to do this. You can be the mother of many daughters in love. Before I was gifted with such precious daughters-in-law, I mentored several young women, and it has been my joy to see them grow in the Lord.

Today you might want to pray with me for more opportunities to mother God’s spiritual children. Remember always that God will grant you the wisdom to do this, and His love far surpasses your own love for those you will teach.

Lord, help me always to be willing to teach others by example and speech.

READ: Jeremiah 51:1-53; Titus 2:1-15; Psalm 99:1-9; Proverbs 26:17

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