Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Psalm 37:12-28 We have talked a lot about the blessings that come to those who have been made righteous through Jesus Christ and who abide daily in Him and His Word. I did a study once on the multitude of blessings that actually overtake those who fear the Lord and who walk uprightly with Him. Of course, the blessings to the righteous do not guarantee they will not experience troubles. In fact, the Word of God says we will be persecuted for righteousness’ sake, and yet even with this will come a blessing. The Word also says many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord Himself delivers them out of them all. We have to remember that the end of every trial in a righteous person’s life will develop something better in our lives than before. Our readings for the rest of this month in Job certainly prove this to be true.

The afflictions a righteous person suffers will develop character traits that are Christlike in him. The only way the fruit of patience can develop in our lives is through experiencing trials and temptations. You have heard people probably exhort you not to pray for patience because only tribulation works patience in our lives. Even though we will experience many troubles in our lives, we have a sure promise that if we walk uprightly, God will deliver us either in or out of these troubles.

David lists some of the blessings of righteous people in this psalm.

1. The righteous person has provision.

2. The righteous person is upheld by the Lord.

3. The righteous person has an eternal inheritance.

4. The righteous man is never put to shame.

5. The righteous person will be satisfied by the Lord even in hard times.

6. The righteous person obtains mercy because he is merciful.

7. The righteous person inherits the earth.

8. The righteous person has direction because his steps are ordered by the Lord.

9. The righteous person is never forsaken.

10. The righteous person will never be utterly cast down.

11. The righteous person will have direction because the Lord will order his steps.

12. The righteous person is preserved forever.

You have heard of the many twelve step programs offered today. There is only one step you need to take to receive all twelve of these blessings. That step is to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.

READ: Job 1:1-3:26; 1 Corinthians 14:1-17; Psalm 37:12-28; Proverbs 21:25-26

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