Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Proverbs 3:16-18 The benefits of wisdom are not just happiness. This passage lists some of the benefits we will experience if we will live our lives in the wisdom from above.

  • We will have length of days.
  • We will have honor.
  • We will have wealth.
  • We will experience pleasant lives.
  • We will have peace.

The above is a list of what all men desire. They want to live long lives, have honor and wealth. They want to experience peace and live pleasant lives. The man who seeks the wisdom from above will experience these benefits.

A man of wisdom will learn to be content or happy in whatever state he finds himself. Happiness is not based on our circumstances. Happiness is based upon our character. If our character grows daily to be more like the character of Jesus Christ, we will be blessed every day of our lives.

Does this mean we have no problems if we live in the wisdom from above, which is peaceable and pure, full of good fruits and without partiality and hypocrisy? Wisdom does not protect us from troubles, because Jesus is all wisdom and He experienced many troubles while on earth. He also said, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Operating in the wisdom from above guarantees us that we will come through each trial, each testing, each temptation we face victorious, but only if we depend upon Jesus through troubled times. The moment we try to take control of troubled times without consulting and inquiring of the Lord who is all wisdom, we will experience misery instead of joy in the midst of troubled times. We have no idea what is facing us this day, but God already knows. Take time to ask Him for the wisdom from above to face every problem, person and circumstance you may encounter today.

Lord, help me to seek You today with all my heart. Help me to look to You today for wisdom in every problem, circumstance and relationship today. Thank You for overcoming the world so I can be of good cheer and not be overwhelmed by the troubles in this world. I desire to live in peace and contentedness today no matter what I face. You are my peace and joy. Amen.

READ: Genesis 31:17-32:12; Matthew 10:27-11:6; Psalm 13:1-6; Proverbs 3:16-18

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