Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How You Can Pursue an Education to Live the Spirit-Led Life

Who knows the course of our lives better than God? Who better to guide us than the Holy Spirit? When we truly believe we can give our past, present and future to Christ, things change. When we walk in agreement with God’s will, we rest assured that the Holy Spirit will be a faithful guide.

Maybe your passion is to become a missionary or a pastor; maybe your dream is to be a business professional or an educator; maybe you have a love for science. Your career may be linear, or you may have multiple directions that you feel led to pursue. You may volunteer and serve in areas you never could have anticipated. Your home may look vastly different than you planned. Regardless of where the Holy Spirit leads you, by pursuing your advanced degree from a Christian institution, you can be equipped to be a Spirit-empowered servant, prepared to impact the world.

Coming to and leaving college can be filled with uncertainty. The Holy Spirit’s guidance isn’t always crystal-clear and in line with our five-year plan. This should spark excitement, not anxiety. Loosening our efforts to grasp for control is freeing and beautiful. The Holy Spirit guides us to both our equipping and our calling. While you may not know where you’re being led, knowing how to press into the promptings of the Holy Spirit and trust that you have been thoroughly prepared to confidently step into your calling is essential. Having the practical skills to perform well is crucial, but equally crucial is a firm understanding of biblical truth and how to be a Christ-centered leader and light wherever you are. With biblical and foundational truth woven throughout the entire framework of a university’s curriculum and community, your faith will be nurtured while you discover your calling. God has created you uniquely; the goal of a higher education institution should be to help you discover who you are in Christ.

Advanced education has been instrumental in the lives of so many who have stepped into the workplace and mission field. The integration of faith and learning that comes from an education received at a faith-based institution is core to developing effective and Spirit-led leaders in any and every field. At the base of this type of institution’s values should be the foundational belief that biblical truth is central and integrated into all experiences. Faith and reason are complementary to each other, and both are necessary in the search for truth. Pursing an advanced degree at a Christian institution will equip you holistically as you receive an education that merges biblical Christianity with humanities, arts, sciences, behavioral sciences, social sciences, specialized subjects and more.

The camaraderie of a campus full of Christ-centered believers is unlike any other, even if you participate in that campus community virtually. This type of community is passionate about living life on purpose, for a purpose. Spiritual and academic life are essential, but the community that carries on long past your graduation date is just as life-giving. From shared experiences in the classroom to practical ministry opportunities, the community should inspire you to lead a Spirit-filled life and make a global impact for the kingdom.

The Holy Spirit takes us where we need to go so we can be fully equipped before He guides us to our calling. When an institution values both the individual callings of students and the integration of faith and practical education, the result is a community of servant leaders who are Spirit-empowered and Spirit-led. Your calling and passions are valuable and orchestrated by God. Pursue an education that will help you fulfill the calling God has uniquely placed on your life.

READ MORE: Learn about God’s work through education at {eoa}

Mallory Johnson is a digital content creator at Evangel University and a proud alumni. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and is passionate about storytelling in all forms.

This article was excerpted from the May issue of Charisma magazine. If you don’t subscribe to Charisma, click here to get every issue delivered to your mailbox. During this time of change, your subscription is a vote of confidence for the kind of Spirit-filled content we offer. In the same way you would support a ministry with a donation, subscribing is your way to support Charisma. Also, we encourage you to give gift subscriptions at, and share our articles on social media.

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