Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Psalm 18:35-50 We have everything going for us if we choose to go the way of the Lord. He leads us in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. He goes before us to lead the way, but remember, His face is turned toward us, and He never turns His back on us. God turned His back to Jesus on the cross because He could not look upon the sins of the world that were laid upon Jesus, the Lamb slain for our sin. Since the cross, however, we have God’s promise as spoken by Jesus, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Thank God for the cross that bridged the gap between God the Father and us, and made the way for us to enter His throne room daily and find grace in time of need. Jesus is now seated at the right hand of God the Father, and He daily is making intercession for you. He is watching your every move and is there to catch you if you begin to fall. Your part is to keep looking into the face of Jesus. If you daily seek His face, you will keep walking forward in Him and you will not backslide.

The image of the face of Jesus was ever before David. He shares in this psalm, “You have given me the shield of your salvation, and your right hand holds me up, and your gentleness has made me great.”

Then David speaks of how the Lord has enlarged his steps so his feet would not slip. What a joy to know that as you walk in the ways of the Lord, He daily is enlarging your steps. One day as I was walking with my husband on our daily walk I fell. I was talking with him, and suddenly my feet slipped under me. I found myself sprawled on the asphalt road. I slipped on an acorn that caused me to fall forward. If my husband and I had been holding hands, I think my fall could have been prevented. Daily Satan will put acorns in your path to trip you up, but Jesus’ right hand is holding you up. What security to know Jesus has His face turned toward you and His right hand is pulling you forward. If you begin to stumble, you will fall right into His arms.

I trust you will today know that security in your walk with Jesus. He is enlarging your steps and placing you on solid ground today. Remember, your part is to keep looking into His face and to keep holding His hand.

Lord, I take Your hand outstretched to me today. I look into Your face and see Your twinkling eyes coaxing me to keep moving forward toward you. I know You will catch me if Satan tries to trip me up. Thank You for Your everlasting arms of love.

READ: Genesis 44:1-45:28; Matthew 14:14-36; Psalm 18:35-50; Proverbs 4:11-13

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