Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Why Today’s Church Must Operate in the 7 Spirits of God

Recently on Live Your Best Life With Liz Wright, Liz had a powerful conversation about the seven Spirits of God with Brian Guerin of Bridal Glory International. Dealing with this largely misunderstood subject, Brian and Liz unfold their revelations on the seven Spirits to bring knowledge and understanding to the body of Christ.

Brain explained that these Spirits are before the throne of God, and they are the lens through which He governs. The awakening of the bride is deeply connected to the seven spirits of God.

In a powerful dream 14 years ago, William Seymour of the Azusa Street revival spoke very clearly to Brian. From the dream, he learned that the revival ended because they weren’t operating in all the seven Spirits of God. The chain had two missing links, and the move of God came and went.

The Lord spoke to Brian and said, “Your generation will see the seven Spirits of God complete the residing upon a generation of people.” Liz also shared four incredibly profound encounters she had that emphasized the importance of the seven spirits and their crucial functions in the coming move of God.

Brian feels strongly from the Lord that “When you see a company fully yielded to the Spirit as such, where the seven Spirits of God are in full measure and residing upon a people, you’ll see a move that will have no end.” He also shared the importance of maintaining intimate relationship with God, as we become what we behold. Brian prayed that we would go out into the world as bearers of light from sustained glory and intimacy with God.

Be blessed to commune with the heart of God as your nature becomes fused with His so you can radiate the multifaceted reality of the Lord. Listen to the entire podcast here. {eoa}

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