Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Why Jesus Wants to Use You to Perform Supernatural Wonders

Is it more appropriate to ask “Who is Jesus?” or “Who was Jesus?”

Jesus of Nazareth is as much a contemporary figure as He is a historical one. As a human being, He did not remain in the grave after being put to death on the cross. He was resurrected, having secured our salvation and reconciliation with the Father. As God, He is not limited by the past or the future; nor can these terms be applied to Him. Rather, He is!

The resurrected Jesus lives—and the living Jesus is the most powerful influence in the world today. This is not just because of His historical impact, but also because of His ability to transform lives, like yours and mine, right now and for eternity. Therefore, it is entirely appropriate for us to refer to Him in the present tense. Jesus was, Jesus is and Jesus will always be the same to us—today, tomorrow and forever!

The living Jesus is the most powerful influence in the world today.

Delegated Supernatural Power

Jesus, the Son of God, walked the earth, healing the sick and performing other miracles as clear signs of His deity. His conception through a young virgin by the power of the Holy Spirit was a miracle. His knowledge and wisdom, which confused the erudite experts in the law, were miracles. His entire ministry was a torrent of miracles that inspired awe and wonder in the multitudes who witnessed them. His crucifixion, death and resurrection were also miraculous events.

After His resurrection, He delegated His mission to His disciples by giving them the same supernatural power He had exhibited on earth. (See, for example, John 14:12.) But it did not end there. The mission and power He delegated extend to the believers of this generation so that we, too, can perform miracles, signs and wonders in His name.

We can perform miracles, signs and wonders in the name of the resurrected Jesus!

As its name implies, the book of Acts is filled with the many miracles, signs and wonders performed by the disciples of Jesus. In almost every chapter, there are descriptions of supernatural “acts” that took place after the Holy Spirit descended upon the faithful. Through them, the early church was able to proclaim Jesus’s name with power and supernatural evidence. Today, we have the same privilege. Today, we are the continuation of His miracle ministry. When miracles are absent from Christianity, there is nothing new to offer an unbelieving world than another form of religion with the appearance of godliness.

Christianity is life—the nature of Jesus manifested through His people. In the Old Testament, the purpose of miracles was to divert people’s attention from their worship of pagan gods and to lead them in worship of the only true God. In those days, when miracles ceased, people quickly reverted to their old rituals and pagan ceremonies. The same thing is happening today. Most churches are full of people who need a miracle from God, because tomorrow, they will look for it somewhere else.

My Experience With Jesus, the Miracle-Working God

Hundreds of millions of people throughout the centuries have encountered the living Jesus through a personal relationship with Him. I, too, have enjoyed many incredible personal experiences with my beloved Jesus:

—I have “seen” Jesus perform miracles, signs and wonders in His Word.

—I have personally witnessed the real, resurrected Christ performing miracles, signs and wonders through believing men and women.

—I have personally experienced, and continue to experience, being used by God to perform miracles, signs and wonders.

— I work to teach, train, and equip others to be used by God in ministries of miracles.

I have witnessed the blind see, the deaf-mute hear and speak, and the lame walk. I have seen people suffering from cancer, AIDS and other supposedly incurable diseases walk away completely healed. I have seen flesh and bone created where there were none before. I have witnessed wonderfully unusual miracles, such as the growth of new teeth, the appearance of hair on bald heads and the loss of weight in mere seconds. All of these miracles were done in the powerful name of Jesus. I have experienced these miracles in over 40 countries, and you can experience them, too.

We don’t have to go back to the days of the Old Testament prophets and New Testament apostles to see miracles. We can see them with our own eyes. Jesus was raised from the dead, He is alive, and He continues to perform miracles today!

Want an example of a modern-day miracle? Listen to the podcast below!

Adapted from Why Believe in Jesus? (© 2015) and How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God (© 2010) by Guillermo Maldonado, published by Whitaker House. Used with permission.

Active in ministry for over 20 years, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado is the founder of King Jesus International Ministry—one of the fastest-growing multicultural churches in the United States—which has been recognized for its visible manifestations of God´s supernatural power. He is a spiritual father to 338 churches in 50 countries, which form the Network of the Supernatural Movement (formerly called the New Wine Apostolic Network). He is also the founder of the University of the Supernatural Ministry (USM). Apostle Maldonado has a doctorate in Christian counseling and a master’s degree in practical theology. He resides in Miami, Florida, with his wife and partner in ministry, Ana, and their two sons, Bryan and Ronald. Visit and

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