Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

When We Do This, God Releases Supernatural Restoration in Our Lives

When we turn our hearts to God

Joel 2:23-25 declares, “And children of Zion, exult and rejoice in the Lord your God, because He has given to you the early rain for vindication. He showers down rains for you, the early rain and the latter rain, as before. Then the threshing floors will be filled with grain, and the vats will overflow with new wine and oil. And I will compensate you for the years the locusts have eaten—the larval locust, the hopper locust, and the fledgling locust—My great army which I sent against you.”

When we experience loss, pain or suffering in our lives, sometimes it’s the result of other people’s actions, and sometimes it’s the result of our own behavior and attitudes. In Joel, the children of Israel had turned away from God. As a result of their poor choices, they suffered a locust plague that destroyed everything in the land. But this is how amazing God’s goodness is. Even though it was their own fault, God still promised to restore everything that was lost.

God’s Extravagant Goodness

There was one main key to the restoration. Joel 2:13 says, “Rend your heart, and not your garments; return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and He relents from punishing.”

When we turn our hearts to God, He releases His supernatural restoration in our lives. Even if we are suffering the consequences of our own bad choices, when our hearts are submitted to God, He moves in and, in His amazing love and goodness, restores every lost moment.

God is so big that even if He has to add extra years to your life, He can do that. And the glory of your latter years will be greater than your former! Get ready to see restoration on every level. Restoration of your heart, mind, soul, emotions, physical body, relationships, family and years that may have been wasted. God is restoring them back to you. {eoa}

Matt Sorger, author, prophetic messenger, revivalist, healing evangelist, teacher, television host and philanthropist, has served in full-time ministry for over 23 years, spanning more than 200 nations of the earth through travel and media ministry. He hosts a weekly teaching program titled Power for Life. Matt moves in a unique anointing that fills entire rooms with the tangible glory of God with many healed, set free and empowered. He teaches believers how to live lives saturated with the glory of God and brings a great balance between authentic, supernatural encounter and solid biblical truth. He reaches cities and regions by partnering with and impacting local churches to see a great breakthrough of the Holy Spirit.

For the original article, visit mattsorger.com.

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