Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

What Jesus Showed This Man Will Simply Amaze You

In an incredible experience, this man says Jesus showed him some of the words spoken over him during his life were false.

During a routine dental procedure, Kevin Zadai found himself on the other side of the veil watching the doctor trying to revive his lifeless body.

Jesus appeared to him in the operating room and revealed that every person who knows the Lord has a “God package” inside of them.

“On the table, I was transformed into my resurrection body,” said Zadai, an author and longtime flight attendant for Southwest Airlines. ” … I turned around and I met Jesus in the center of the room. He told me, ‘In Matthew 12:36, I said you will be accountable for every idle word that comes out of your mouth.’ I felt convicted. Jesus told me, ‘the words people have spoken over you are not your destiny. We need to take care of this.'” 

Watch the video and listen as Zadai shares an incredible story with Sid Roth on an episode of It’s Supernatural.

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