Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

What Happens When You Function in the Heavenly Portal of Prosperity

The prophet Ezekiel can teach us keys that open heavenly portals and enable us to rule as kingdom citizens. In Ezekiel 37, God was viewing the earth and He wanted to make a change. He asked His prophet to start operating, even when Ezekiel had trouble seeing with spiritual eyes.

This is a lesson about heavenly portals. Sometimes prophets don’t see well initially but by faith, they can open portals in the heavenly realm when sight in the spirit begins to function. Sometimes God has to prompt the seer to see in the spiritual realm by saying, “Tell Me what you see.” In other words, God is saying, “I, God, want to do something, prophet, so build your faith. Have the faith of God, prophet, and tell Me what you see.”

This is also how God’s prophetic church works, as we are a prophetic people as His kingdom body. God wants to know what you see in a situation, whether natural sight into earth realm or spiritual sight into the spirit realm. He is expecting that you will see prosperously because you know His heart and who He is. If you see poverty and lack, then He knows you are not seeing like Him. In such cases, He will prompt you to see like Him.

“The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones, And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry. And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou knowest” (Ezek. 37:1-3, KJV).

God asks, “Can these bones live?” That word live in the Hebrew means to revive, recover, repair, give promise. God is saying, “Can these bones, which are structure, substance, and foundation for the body, come alive?” God is beckoning the prophet to see as He sees. The prophet answers, “I don’t know, but You know, Lord.” He’s saying, “You are the giver of life. I can’t see what You see from this mess in the earthly realm, but I want to meet You where You are, Lord.” The word knowest in Hebrew means to ascertain by seeing correctly. God properly ascertains what He sees and we can too when we understand how to access the heavenly portal that brings us into the eternal realm flowing with prosperity, which is an abundance of life.

I can tell you personally, as a prophet of the Lord, I can’t see until I tap into the faith of God for something, then I can see what He sees. Things in the natural or earthly realm may look dark, dismal, and full of sin and destruction. Earthly things usually look like this because of the attack of Satan in the garden. Our natural eyes always see these things first and then we see hope later. We are more prone in our flesh to see negativity and darkness. We must be prompted from a heavenly portal of faith to enter the realms of prosperity in order to see as God sees and bring that word to the earth to change it.

Smithyman book
When God says to Ezekiel, “This is what I see,” things begin to change and they begin to reflect the heavenly realm of prosperity. God always sees things the way they are with no deception. We see deception from the earthly realm but not God. He sees from His realm of heaven and prosperity. When we align with how God sees, then we are functioning in the heavenly portal of prosperity. This will cause miracles to happen and life will come to the dead things. {eoa}

This excerpt is taken from chapter 4 of Candice Smithyman’s book Heavenly Portals: Where Eternity Impacts Your Past, Present and Future. For more information on Heavenly Portals and to order the book, visit

Candice Smithyman is an apostolic and prophetic revivalist and healing minister in Orange Park, Florida and the founder of Dream Mentors International. She is the host of the Glory Road television broadcast, which showcases international prophetic voices and can be seen on the FaithNOW app, King TV, and other outlets. She is also the host of Your Path to Destiny on the It’s Supernatural! Network, the On the Glory Road podcast with Destiny Image Podcast Network and the Manifest His Presence podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. Smithyman has been a guest on such TV shows as Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, Today With Marilyn and Sarah, Paula Today and The Jim Bakker Show, and has authored multiple books on soul transformation, healing and heavenly encounters.

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