Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

What Happened When the Holy Spirit Fell on Smokey Robinson

Smokey Robinson

Smokey Robinson will open up about his “prophetic” conversion in a new episode of Oprah’s Master Class

Nearly 30 years ago, Robinson found himself in the church pew, face to face with a woman who says God had spoken to her about him.  

“She said, ‘The Lord sent you here. I knew you were coming,'” Robinson remembers. “‘What?’ she said, ‘Yeah, I was in prayer about a year ago, your name came out of my mouth, and I stopped and said, “Lord, I don’t know him.”‘” 

Robinson recalls how the woman said the Lord demanded she pray for him. If she didn’t, the Lord said Robinson would overdose on cocaine and weed. 

Watch the video to see what happens next.

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