Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

This Author Saw Her Mother in Heaven in a Supernatural Encounter

Recently on Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright on the Charisma Podcast Network, Liz shares her personal story of being healed of deep grief. Some years ago, after losing her mother, she had three profound encounters which will release hope and faith into your spirit. You will receive a fresh empowerment to believe that there is nothing Jesus cannot redeem, even if you have unresolved issues with someone who is no longer on this earth. If you are facing grief or a situation that seemingly nothing can fix, you can be confident today that truly nothing is too difficult for Jesus! As Liz shares these supernatural experiences, know that what God has done for her, He wants to do for you as well.

After her mother passed away, Jesus brought Liz into heaven and showed her that her mom was young and free. As Liz saw this reality, the weight of the grief completely lifted off her, and she was filled with a deep security of her mother’s place in heaven. The following two experiences brought deep restoration to Liz’s relationship with her mom, and she received profound healing in her heart. At the time of one of these encounters, Liz was going through a difficult situation with spiritual warfare, and she was able to ask her mother’s advice, to which she replied, “Look into the eyes of the one who is love; receive His love, and love with that love.”

These out-of-the-box experiences where Jesus sovereignly moved, demonstrate that the power of His redemption goes beyond our lifespan. Even if there are issues that were left unresolved between you and someone you love who has passed into glory, Jesus can restore all things and bring healing to your heart because He is outside of time.

Be sure to tune into this remarkable episode of Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright. {eoa}

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