Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Hooked on the Supernatural

From an early age Roth had a keen interest in anything to do with the New Age, the occult, astrology, fortune-telling, handwriting analysis, reincarnation, hypnosis, communicating with the dead, spiritualism, Ouija boards and psychic powers.

“All held a fascination for me that was far beyond a mere hobby, fad or interest,” Roth says.

Growing up in a traditional Orthodox Jewish family, Roth attended synagogue, observed all the Jewish holidays and celebrated his bar mitzvah at age 13. He believed there was a God, but says that the religious aspect of his Jewishness seemed abstract, irrelevant and full of hypocrisy.

From his first job as a paperboy to his career in insurance sales and later as an executive with Merrill Lynch, Roth’s single goal in life was to earn more money and prestige and to become a millionaire by the age of 30. At the age of 23, Roth fell in love and married a Baptist girl, Joy.

Soon, a baby was on the way and he began to feel trapped by his new responsibilities as a husband and father. With his dream of becoming a millionaire by age 30 seemingly out of reach, Roth fell into despair.

“Life seemed to have no future,” he says. “It was empty, colorless, devoid of meaning and excitement.”

Roth began to frequent singles bars and became a real swinger. With his marriage hanging together by a mere thread, he decided to consult the fortuneteller he had been visiting for two years. When Roth asked him whether he should leave his wife, the fortune-teller gave him a strong “go-ahead.”

Soon after the breakup of his marriage, a business associate told Roth about a mind-control class that had revolutionized a friend’s life. Without hesitating, Roth signed up for the course. The introductory session promised that by the end of the week participants would know what other people were thinking, be able to cure illnesses and improve their finances.

“I knew it was going to be what I had been searching for all my life,” Roth says. “It would be a can’t-fail approach to all the acclaim and financial success I had been looking for.”

As promised, by the end of the week, Roth had tapped into the supernatural in a new way. He had learned to access a supernatural counselor in his head who could answer any question and perform any test asked of him.

Realizing that with this new power he could have anything he wanted, Roth decided to go into business for himself. When an acquaintance offered him free office space, a phone and a secretary until he got on his feet, Roth jumped at the opportunity. What he didn’t know was that his benefactor was a Christian who held prayer meetings at the office.

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