Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Tracking the Supernatural

Roth has tracked the supernatural wave of God for four decades and is convinced that the increasing openness of Jewish people to the gospel and the unprecedented reports of worldwide healings, resurrections and other miracles is evidence that the world is living in the last days. Amid these widespread reports of miracles and other supernatural phenomena, Roth’s show is now one of the highest-rated Christian television shows and is “viewed as No. 1” among some Christian television networks.

“We are entering a time of what the Bible calls, ‘The fullness of the Gentiles,’ spoken of in Luke 21:24 and Romans 11:25,” Roth told Charisma. “It’s a time when the spiritual blinders will fall off of the Jewish people and they will accept their Messiah and fulfill their destiny to evangelize the world.”

In his recent book, Sooner Than You Think, Roth tells of a dream he had in 2013 in which Jesus appeared to him and said, ‘I am coming back soon! I am coming back soon! I am coming back soon!’

“Many people from various walks of life are getting the same warnings from God,” Roth reports. “Even Orthodox rabbis are saying that they hear the footsteps of the Messiah.”

Surprisingly, a number of biblical scholars, teachers and prophecy experts agree.

Craig Keener, a professor at Asbury Theological Seminary and author of Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts, points out that the Bible predicts that supernatural signs and miracles will accompany the spreading of the gospel in the end times.

“We know that the Good News of the kingdom must be preached among the nations before the end (Matt. 24:14),” Keener says, “and we know that the gospel is spreading at an accelerating rate.”

Many are also pointing to the fulfillment of many Old Testament and New Testament prophecies.

“I have studied many subjects, including history, and I do not think I have ever seen a time in history when so much biblical prophecy is happening right under our noses,” says Paul McGuire, a prophecy expert, commentator for Fox News, CNN and the History Channel and host of the GOD TV show Apocalypse and the End Times. “No matter where you go in the world, but especially in the First World nations, prophetic signs are appearing with increasing frequency. In fact, more prophetic signs are coming true in our generation than ever before.”

Experts say the current fascination with demonic supernatural activity is another sign that the world is in the end times.

“The Bible teaches that there will be a quantum increase in demonic supernatural activity,” McGuire says. “Just turn on your TV and you will see hard core, occult-based programs that deal with ghosts, paranormal activities, psychic power, witchcraft, necromancy and sorcery.”

While some prophecy teachers emphasize only the false signs and wonders, McGuire points to Acts 2 as evidence that while demonic activity continues to increase, God is also going to pour out His supernatural power in an increased measure with signs and wonders and legitimate prophecies, dreams and miracles.

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