Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Real Reason Signs, Wonders Aren’t Following You

Signs are supposed to follow believers. Miracles, healing, signs and wonders confirm the Word of God and testify of His power and love.

In Matthew 10:7-8, Jesus tells His disciples, “As you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.”

It would be easy for us to pass this off as something He meant for the disciples, but later, in Matthew 28:19-20, He tells them to go and make disciples and teach those disciples to observe all the things “I have commanded you.”

Those things included healing and miracles. Jesus even said that of the things He did, greater things we would do (see John 5:20). This is a stretch of the imagination for most of us. It’s actually a stretch of our faith. Faith that God’s Word is absolute. Faith that He does, indeed, desire to use us to do great exploits like healing the sick and raising the dead.

What keeps us from doing these acts the Scripture tells us to do?

—Lack of belief.

—Focusing on our own limitations rather than the unlimited power of God.

—Feeling unworthy.

—Belief that miracles have ceased.

Getting past the false belief that God only wants to use the super evangelist or well-known faith healer is key. He loves using ordinary people to do extraordinary things—things that cannot be explained. He loves using people who are obedient and who will give Him the glory for the act—people who believe signs, miracles and wonders have not ceased. We can operate in faith that raises the dead.

God is looking for a willing vessel to use in this last day. Will it be you?

For some testimonies of healing and miracles, listen to this episode of our Faith Works podcast, “Signs Following Part 2,” at this link.

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