Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

“You hear (the wind) rustling through the trees, but you have no idea where it comes from or … headed next. That’s the way with everyone ‘BORN FROM ABOVE’ BY THE WIND OF GOD” (John 3:8, MSG).

This Christmas season, I remember back when my granddaughter Angel was born. That Sunday morning (26 years ago), I was in my office getting ready to preach on the love of God… and it was as if the wind of the Spirit spoke, “You know almost nothing about My love!”

Wow! I’d been a pastor for a long time—and this jolted me. Well, I told the church that I would talk about something that I knew nothing about! “But, if we don’t LOVE each other, we don’t know God.”

That same day, Angel was born. Her doctor (a church member) tearfully reported that she would probably never walk or talk—or sit up.

Because there was no equipped hospital nearby, we evacuated her nine jet hours to Hawaii.

At that time, our church was successful and experiencing real tangible “revival.” Having a personal issue this severe presented internal crises.

Inside this crucible of our family pain, many in our church family left. After all, something must be wrong with us if bad things like this happen. They didn’t know how to handle our personal reality. Then Angel’s conditions worsened, more left—some of the staff disappeared without a word.

Down deep, this clearly became all about the love of God—that I didn’t know about.

The Herald Angels Sing

After her first surgery, I drove to a large Hawaiian grocery store. There, happy festivities and hustle-bustle shopping were marked contrasts to my grief.

I picked up an ornate Christmas stocking hanging on the far wall. It played the song, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Glory.” Right then, it seemed like the angels sang in the wind for our Angel. I clutched the stocking in my arms and sobbed out loud—right there in the store.

Still crying, I bought that stocking, daring to believe that Angel would live at least… until Christmas.


Love is on the way. It’s ever-present. Love is here and coming to us now.

The Now Love of God causes the new to breakthrough.

As time went on, many who left us returned and a lot more came.

Overall, Angel has overcome eight emergency brain surgeries. Beautiful Angel excelled in every way. She is amazing.

Today, we brought all the ornament boxes upstairs and there was that very same stocking! Ohhhhh, the joy that love came our way.

These days, I celebrate Christ-MASS every day.

I’m putting up my tree today—hanging that very same stocking with strong conviction—believing that you DO hear what I hear….the wind is blowing and LOVE IS—and is on the way.

“Apostolic Mentor.” The podcast for leaders and ministers who are looking for “more”!

The passion and mandate of this ministry is to: Bring restructuring and reformational concepts to the church; to provide accurate, biblical understanding and reform that will cause believers to shed preconceived religious notions. {eoa}

Dr. Kluane Spake is considered one of the apostolic pioneers in the arena of preaching about “the Finished Work of Redemption,” apostolic church government and gender and racial equality. She is an international apostle, speaker, author of over 30 plus books, mentor and friend to the body of Christ. The passion and mandate of this ministry is to bring restructuring and reformational concepts to the church to provide more accurate, biblical understanding that will cause believers to shed preconceived, incorrect religious notions; to explain how to personally apply the infallible Word of God. Please see her book “Connecting” for more about co-existing on earth as it is in heaven, Visit her on Facebook, YouTube, the Apostolic Mentor website, the School of the Apostles website and her personal website,

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