Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Remember This Story the Next Time You’re Stuck and Angry on the Highway

A reader of mine, Ruth Wilson, writes:

“I have a testimony I would like to share with you. I have learned so much from your book Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions. Here is another amazing experience that happened.

“We live near a huge bridge that is critical for every day getting to and from work, beach, etc. Last fall they began construction and closed down one of the lanes on the busiest weekend. It was a Friday evening and it took over seven hours to go what normally takes 1 1/2 hours (with traffic).

“No one expected this, and people were in really bad moods. I was driving home with my husband, and we stopped to get gas and a snack. When we were merging back onto the highway, no one would let us in. I remember one man in a small truck who was extremely angry. He was shouting (couldn’t hear him) and waving his arms at me and other cars trying to merge.

“It suddenly hit me how his vehicle was full of anger and rage, and I instantly felt sorry for him. Many people were angry—no one saw this coming. We’d been on the road for five hours at that point, and it was expected to be four more hours (which normally would have taken 17 minutes from that point).

“I remember in your book where you describe miracles happening on the carrier wave of compassion. We are encouraged to see love coming from Jesus into us, and out of us as we pray for healing, miracles, etc.

“I immediately asked Jesus to fill me with love and pour it from me to all the other cars around me. I could see His golden waves of love like a river flowing through to me and out to others. My husband joined with me in this prayer, and we were filled with joy!

“I looked for Jesus and saw Him—He was skipping in between the lanes and pouring buckets of love into cars. He was having a blast! He kept looking over His shoulder at us with a huge grin! This made us laugh our heads off!

“He kept running around pouring buckets of love into all the cars, and as He did this, I could see something like steam being released from each vehicle. I shared this with my husband, and he and I had so much joy—and we kept on praying for buckets of love to be released to everyone.

“Then the Lord spoke out of the blue to my heart and asked me, ‘What ETA time would it take for you to believe that miracles ride on My love?’ The time was 9:45 p.m., and the ETA was about 2.5 hours away (but normally it would have been 12 minutes). I looked at the clock and then answered 10:30 p.m. I told my husband and we both joined in saying yes to the Lord’s miracle. We were so full of joy and laughter as we saw Jesus running around pouring buckets of love on everyone.

“Then a few minutes later—the ETA alert said the route is 12 minutes earlier, and then another alert: 7 minutes earlier, then 13 minutes earlier and more. Traffic was moving, and the ETA now said close to 11 p.m. And it kept going.

“As we got closer to home, the ETA was getting closer to 10:30 p.m. but not exactly—which was fine with us, of course—this was a miracle! But when we pulled into our driveway, my husband said, ‘Look at the time!’ And it was 10:30 p.m. Exactly as the Lord said.

“I wanted to share this because when we are in awful traffic conditions, or other times when we feel there is no way out, we can look for Jesus and pray for love to be poured out. Where we live, traffic is a big deal and now when I see red brake lights, I pray for buckets of love.

“Miracles happen when we pray on carrier waves of love! Again, I’m so thankful for this book—I am learning how fun life is with Jesus! I can’t describe fully all the ways these teachings have changed my life—there are so many incredible aspects to God—He truly loves and loves us. He is the abundant life!

“And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us” (Rom. 5:5, author paraphrase).

The Lord bless you today with buckets of love! {eoa}

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