Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

The supernatural realm has had an amazing impact on Dr. Candice Smithyman’s life—and she has a passion to help others experience it through the various ministry doors God has opened on her behalf.

Many years ago, this international prophetic revivalist and healing minister began to experience the supernatural, but only when she grew in her understanding of heaven did the Holy Spirit bring further definition. “I had some encounters with the Lord where I actually got caught up in heaven and started seeing how heaven operated,” she says. “I began shifting the way I viewed my world.”

As her perspective changed, she walked in the supernatural more and more. “I believe it’s because the Lord wanted to use me to share, teach and train others,” Smithyman says. “He knew He had given me teaching gifts. And so if I was willing to open up my heart and seek Him for the things He was showing me, I was going to be able to teach others how they could experience the supernatural too.”

God called her to ministry in 1999, leading her on a path toward a master’s degree in Christian counseling from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. “And then from there, I began to really just move in that arena for a while,” she says.

God also called her husband into ministry. “He felt the desire to go to school to get a theology degree, and so I went back to school with him to get my theology degree,” she says. “I got a master’s degree in theology from the International College of Excellence in Tinley Park, Illinois.”

From there, the Holy Spirit moved the couple to plant churches. Later, Smithyman returned to school to earn her D. Min in Christian counseling from Jacksonville Theological Seminary in Jacksonville, Florida.

Step Into the Glory

Prior to her church-planting and pastoral experience of 15 years, Smithyman impacted the kingdom through radio and television ministry. About four years ago, God called her back to that realm.

“I had a dream where I was speaking to a woman who was encouraging me to go on television, ministering, and [after that] the Lord supernaturally hooked me up with somebody from The Word Network,” she says. “And I got an invitation to put a television program on The Word Network.”

Though Smithyman had no program in mind, her experience allowed her to quickly put one together, and she signed a contract. Her show was broadcast on The Word Network for about five months before she shifted over to social media television and other forms of social media ministry. “Then things just began to grow from there,” she says.

The Glory Road TV Show LIVE is seen on Facebook LIVE,” per Smithyman’s website, “It is an educational interview program, where every week Dr. Candice interviews prophetic leaders and authors who are making a kingdom impact. Guests on the show have included Angela Greening, Katie Souza, Joan Hunter, Kathy DeGraw, Steve Shultz, Robert Hotchkin and others.”

Besides the Facebook LIVE show, The Glory Road TV Show can be seen weekly on Faith USA, Faith UK and Faith Africa networks, allowing Smithyman to impact Muslim nations in Africa and multiply her ministry. “On this program, Dr. Candice operates in prophecy, bringing viewers a prophetic word backed by Scripture and teaching,” her website says. “You will learn what God is doing in the earth today and how to operate in miracles, healing, the glory, and supernatural encounters.” Guest prophets and authors have included such faith leaders as Kat Kerr, Steve Strang, Larry Sparks, James Goll, Karen Wheaton, Sid Roth, Jonathan Cahn, Bishop Harry Jackson and more, Smithyman says.

Smithyman has another television program,Your Path to Destiny, which airs on the It’s Supernatural! Network. “I was really blessed to be invited to be one who had my own show on [the network],” she says.

Your Path to Destiny differs from The Glory Road TV Show because it is primarily a teaching program, she explains. “It has minimal guest interaction, but I’m on there teaching, training, helping people to really step into the glory, teaching them about living the ascension life and being in a real, intimate relationship with the Lord, so they can experience more heaven every day.”

Featured on many international networks such as King TV, Praise TV and Precious TV, Smithyman’s programs impact viewers in countries such as Nepal, Sri Lanka, Russia—”some of the most remote places in the 10/40 window, which is poor countries in the world,” she says. “And my programs are also translated into Urdu, the fourth largest language in the world, so they can also be understood by those [people] in their native tongue.” Through these outlets, she and her ministry receive thousands of prayer requests each week.

Partner With Angels

But Smithyman’s media ministry stretches further than television programs. Through her book Releasing Heaven (Destiny Image, 2020), she helps readers move in the supernatural by releasing an open heaven.

“I have had some amazing encounters with angels in various meetings I’ve held overseas and in the United States,” the international prophetic revivalist and healing minister says. She says she has also “been able to see the beautiful angels of fire and their ability to bring healing—spirit, soul and body—to people who are in need.”

After experiencing angelic visitations firsthand, Smithyman conducted her own research into their supernatural work. “And the more I researched and spent time with the Lord, the more He began to teach and train me in how to participate with these angels to see healing and transformation happen in the earth,” she says. Angels of Fire: The Ministry of Angels in End-Time Revival (Destiny Image, 2021), which she describes as the most unique of the many books she’s written, continues her kingdom assignment by helping people understand how angels are real, created beings we can partner with to make changes in the earth.

“It’s God’s desire that kingdom come to the earth,” she says. “We must be aware of how we can operate with the kingdom in order to make that happen.

“I had several angels I encountered in dreams that the Lord brought to me, and one of those was a huge angel,” she adds. In her book, she describes several angels, including one named Yah-Red—derived from Yah, the first part of God’s Hebrew name, and the color red—as an eight-foot being with “flaming red hair and very white skin.”

Scripture uses the word adomonyi, Hebrew for “red,” to characterize the ruddy appearance of King David, the giant killer, Smithyman explains in her book. She thus describes Yah-Red as a “giant killer fire angel.”

“I have seen miracles where giants were holding people in bondage, infirmity, sickness and disease, but God used him in the spirit realm to kill the giants,” she writes. “When Yah-Red shows up, the demons are crushed and people are healed.”

But Yah-Red is only one of the angels the Lord assigned to Smithyman. Another, whom she calls Tracker Angel, assisted her when He led her to minister overseas. She says God sent this angel to help “track my progress, as an element of protection, and to let me know where to go and what to do.”

“Guardian angels are assigned at conception,” she says. “And we have evidence of that with the angel Gabriel coming to speak to Mary about her being pregnant with Jesus, and also with the angel coming to speak with Elizabeth about her pregnancy. We see this in the Word of God.”

All angels are fire angels because “fire is around the throne of God, and they are around Him,” Smithyman says. “They are there in heaven, and heaven is filled with fire, purity and holiness.”

“But different-colored angels bring different aspects of healing to our bodies,” she adds. “So different angels, based on color, function in different ways.” The back matter of Angels of Fire contains a healing chart that describes each angel’s function.

Spirit-filled believers can also partner with angels for the end-times revival, Smithyman says. “First, we have to know and recognize that the Holy Spirit on the inside of us is the Word of God being spoken. So when you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you receive the Holy Spirit. And the word ‘fire’ in the Hebrew is the word kole. This is also the word used for ‘voice.’ When we speak the Word of God—when the Holy Spirit speaks in and through us—and when we’re actually speaking the Word of God, that word is the word kole in the Hebrew, which means ‘spark.’

“As we speak, fire starts; the angels of fire come to join where the fire of God is,” she says. “They will come alongside the words being spoken. They will come alongside the Holy Spirit on the inside of us, and they will meet us there; and then they will begin to start doing the work of the Lord in the earth.

“And so we have a job to know not only who we are, but who the angels are; they are just a different species called to make a difference in the earth today,” Smithyman says. “When we learn to partner with this angelic species, we’re going to start seeing some great releases of glory in the earth. God’s awakening and quickening us to be able to participate with angels so we’re working alongside one another.”

Move in the Supernatural

God continues to open new avenues for Smithyman to spread her message of bringing heaven to earth. She hosts the Manifest His Presence podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network to teach people how to manifest the presence of God and tap into the things of heaven. She also offers training through Charisma Courses at and other courses featured on her website, where she has a School of the Supernatural.

As the founder of Dream Mentors International,, Smithyman also offers personal mentoring. “My biblical life coaching school helps biblical life coaches and transformational life coaches learn how to be really good disciplers and how to be coaches, so they can help other people in their time of need and walk them through problems and issues that they have in their life,” she says. She also offers counseling for a variety of spiritual, emotional, social and physical issues. To learn more, email her at [email protected].

“We’ve suffered so much, especially over the last couple of years, with COVID-19 and the economy, and the state of our governments,” Smithyman says. “People want hope—they need hope. And I believe that’s exactly where God wants us to be. He wants us to be hungry for goodness, purity, righteousness, love and holiness.

“And so I believe that our earth is really groaning for what is important to the Lord,” she says. “And He wants to make us very aware of that by revealing to us the power of the angels and how we can work alongside them. … they’re agents God has sent to bring us that hope and to help us bring change in the earth.”

The kingdom of heaven is being made manifest in the earth, Smithyman says, and the difficulties we’ve experienced have made us more open to participate with each other and with angels to manifest change.

“If you’ll just open up your eyes, and you’ll open up your heart, you will be able to tap into what is going to carry you every single day. Not only in the realm of hope, but also in the realm of future; it’s going to empower you for purpose, empower you for destiny, empower you for the greater release of the glory in the earth. And I believe the Lord wants us to be in unity with that.” {eoa}

Samantha Carpenter is a copy editor for Charisma Media.

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