Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
portrait of heaven

We sat down on the sand near the edge of the ocean. As the waves ebbed and flowed in front of us, an amazing thing happened. The edge of the water turned to blood. A dark red, foaming surf surged in front of us. It seemed as if the blood was filthy, and I asked, “Why is the blood so dirty?”

“It is My blood, Choo Nam,” He said. “It has washed away all the sins of My children.”

I began to weep as I heard this statement. He had shed His blood for me, to cleanse me of all my sins. He who knew no sin became sin for me so I could be clothed with the righteousness of God. The blood of the perfect Lamb of God had washed me clean and set me free. The tears I cried came from a deep reservoir in my soul as I recognized with gratitude all that Jesus had done for me.

“Don’t cry, My daughter,” He said. He took my hand, and off we flew once more. As I ascended with the Lord, I knew He was going to reveal more truth to me. I was filled with eager anticipation.

The next stop on our heavenly itinerary was the huge white mansion where Jesus had taken me before. I noticed that inside the great room were numerous men but very few women. “Who are these people?” I asked. “These are people who sacrificed for Me.” I wondered how may of them were the patriarchs and saints of the Bible, and I remembered faith’s “hall of fame” in Hebrews 11, which lists the great men and women of faith, such as Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham and Sarah, and what they accomplished through faith. By showing me this room that was filled with people wearing beautiful gowns and bejeweled crowns, Jesus was portraying the importance of sacrifice.

After seeing all these scenes, the Lord took me to a peaceful pond where we sat and talked. “I am telling you all this and showing you these things so you can tell the world,” He said. “I know that a lot of My children don’t think I will come back for them for a long time. Some even think I will never come back for them, but I want you to tell them that My kingdom is ready for those who are ready and waiting for Me. I am coming very soon.” There was such an urgency in His voice.

The Lord showed me the ocean of dirty blood once more and then concluded that visit to heaven with these words: “I’ll never leave you. I’ll be with you forever. I will guide everything that you do. You will not have to worry about anything because I will be there to do it for you. I am releasing My power to you and in you. You will be able to heal the sick and do the same things I did when I lived on Earth. The key to these gifts is your faith, My daughter.”

His words, so tender and uplifting, opened fountains of tears deep within my soul. “Do not cry, My daughter.” He continued. “I want you always to remember how precious you are to Me. I will talk with you again.”

From that day forward I have felt like I’m living more in heaven than on Earth. My visit to heaven has wrought permanent changes in my life. I don’t even require as much sleep as I used to, because I feel supernaturally energized by the power from on high. Truly, I know that heaven is real, and this makes all the difference in this world. 

Choo Thomas became a Christian in 1992 and says that four years later Jesus escorted her on the first of numerous trips to heaven. He told her to write what she saw and heard and put it into a book. Her experiences are recorded in Heaven Is So Real, which was first published in 2003 and has since been reprinted in 60 countries.

Watch Choo Thomas recall her vision of heaven and hell at

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