Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Operating in the Supernatural Requires This Daily Habit

In order for a believer to operate and lead in the supernatural, including the gift of prophecy, Shawn Gabie says it is imperative for that person to hear and clearly discern the voice of God daily.

The co-founder of Kingdom Culture in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, along with his wife, Michelle, Gabie says it’s one thing to be a principled leader, and quite another to operate in presence-driven leadership. It’s what he teaches on his show, The Supernatural Leadership Podcast, on the Charisma Podcast Network.

“I believe the core of presence-driven leadership is simply learning how to recognize the voice of God and how it pertains to us walking out our faith every day,” Gabie told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of the Greenelines podcast. “Psalm 46:10 simply states, ‘Be still and know that I am God.’ Positioning yourself in a place where you are listening is key.

“And then, you need to write it down. Whatever it is that He is saying, if you want to grow in the supernatural, you have to write it down. For me, when I was starting out, that was huge. I would pray and ask God to speak to me and spend time with Him. You’ll hear from Him.

“Positioning yourself in that stillness, listening and not talking, and writing things down is a huge key to moving forward and recognizing the voice of God. When you do that, you can actually show others that, ‘Hey, this is what I felt, this is what God spoke to me today about you.’ In my experience, crazy things would begin to happen for some because not only were they saying what I said to them, they were seeing it happen as well.”

For more about how you can operate in the supernatural, listen to the entire podcast.

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