Wed. Sep 11th, 2024

Marilyn Hickey Asks, ‘Are You Praying for a Miracle?’

Do you or does someone you know need a car, a house, a job—anything? Romans 8:28 tells us that God can do anything. He can supply all our needs. Do you believe that? I urge you to believe for something specific for your particular need because God says all things are possible to those who believe.

God likes to take care of His people and get them deeper into faith. Read the Bible and find a promise to stand on. The Word doesn’t return void. You can never know God’s miracle-working power until you have a need. Your needs and crises are God’s opportunity for miracles—and God will get the glory.

Jehovah Rophe means “Jehovah heals.” Through this name, God reveals Himself to you as the great healer. You may have a need that you’re focusing on, but today focus on God’s provision for you. God heals not only your body, but also your emotions, relationship and finances.

In Exodus 15 we see the Lord Jehovah Rophe, the healer. Supernatural healing is demonstrated from Genesis through Revelation because God’s provision is healing. Jehovah Rophe is not just our healer, He is the Lord of our health. Don’t grumble, pray—take the provisions of the cross into your needs because there is healing power.

Are you praying for a miracle? Well, what’s in your hand? If you give it to Him, God will take what’s in your hand and turn it into the miraculous. Remember the little boy with five loaves and two fish? After he gave that lunch to Jesus, the food multiplied to feed over 5,000.

God asked Moses what he had in his hand. It was a rod, and that rod was instrumental in delivering the Israelites out of Egypt. What leaves your hand and is given to God produces something that gives a continual harvest. Sow seeds into God’s kingdom and step out in faith to receive your miracle. {eoa}

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