Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Learning to Walk in the Supernatural

walking in supernatural

Last December I was in Brazil with a team of about 80 people that included my friend Blaine Cook. Blaine is the man God used to bring an outpouring of Holy Spirit power upon my Baptist church in 1984, and he was instrumental in my own baptism of the Spirit.

Observing the team members when we first arrived in Brazil, Blaine noticed the majority of them were new to the mission field. For many, this was their first ministry trip. Most had very little experience praying for the sick or moving in words of knowledge.

One week later, on the trip home, Blaine said to me, “For me, the most amazing part of this entire trip was the transformation of the team. They arrived fearful, unsure, anxious and many without any experience. They are returning home confident, full of faith, excited and transformed. They aren’t the same! They’re confident in prayer and expectant and strong in faith. How did so much happen in such a short time?”

In my 43 years of ministry, 29 of those spent in the ministry of healing, I have taken more than 5,000 people all over the world, teaching and ministering healing, and I have seen this transformation happen over and over again. I have seen God take ordinary believers and transform them into ministers of the gospel who walk confidently in the power of the Spirit with miracles, signs and wonders following.

I want to share with you a few lessons I’ve learned on how this happens so you can experience this transformation too.

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