Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Jonathan Cahn: Is an Ancient Mystery Behind the Coronavirus?

New York Times’ bestselling author Jonathan Cahn reveals a stunning link behind the pandemic that has paralyzed much of the world and specifically America and the words of the prophet Jeremiah—in his explosive new book, The Harbinger II: The Return, set for release on Sept.1.

Renowned for his past books illuminating ancient biblical prophecies, Cahn explores an ancient link between the current pandemic and an ancient act in his forthcoming masterpiece, The Harbinger II.

Cahn writes, “[Abortion] was legalized across the nation in 1973, but it began in 1970. And for most of the world, from around that time or thereafter. That means that most of those responsible for the killing of the over one billion children [around the world] would still be alive in the year 2020 and so too would be the multitudes who stood by and never acted or spoke a word to prevent it. And those who championed its legalization half a century earlier would be among the oldest of those still living. 2020 would mark the closing of an era.”

Though Cahn writes that there is not one but many causes for any one specific phenomenon, and that a judgment against a civilization does not signify a judgment against individuals who may and will be affected by it—yet the biblical connections are very strong. It can be seen in the nature of the pandemic as well as the timing of its appearance—from the year, the season and the month of its appearance.

It can be seen in the place of its striking, its specific connection to New York state and New York City.

It can be seen in a 50-year biblical mystery that carries with it the principle of restitution.

It can be seen in the exact days of its peaking in specific areas.

It can even be seen in parallels with biblical references that can only be described as eerie.

Judgment can be a haunting proposition to process and understand, but Cahn delicately opens the door for the reader to grasp these revelations and their place in current U.S. and world events. Cahn compares the judgment of the nation of Israel with that of America:

“Israel was consecrated from its birth to the purposes of God,” Cahn writes. “It had known more, been blessed more and thus fallen more. And to whom much is given, much is required. And so Israel was more accountable, and thus its judgment more severe. America was likewise consecrated from its foundation to the purposes of God. And America has, likewise, been given more and so has more greatly fallen.”

The nation that has known God and its blessings but continuously defies and wars against His ways stands in danger of judgment.

“America has not only, by its example, led others into this practice but has killed more children within its borders than have the vast majority of nations. And beyond that, the laws it passed concerning the killing of unborn children are among the most permissive in the world and allow for the even more gruesome killing of children in the latter stages of pregnancy. America was founded after the pattern of ancient Israel. And so if it turns away from God and repeats the ancient act, then judgments that came upon ancient Israel will reappear. And so of all nations of the earth, the plague centered its wrath on America.”

The Harbinger II: The Return will stun, shock and reshape how Americans interpret current events, the Bible and the place of the United States in the past, present and future. {eoa}

Jonathan Cahn is also the author of the massive worldwide hits The Oracle, The Paradigm, The Book of Mysteries and The Mystery of the Shemitah. He was named, along with Billy Graham and Keith Greene, one of the top 40 spiritual leaders of the past 40 years to have radically impacted the world. Called the prophetic voice of this generation, Cahn is a much-sought-after speaker and has been highlighted in The New York Times as well as in many national and international media. He has spoken on Capitol Hill, at the United Nations and to millions of people around the world. Cahn is known for opening the deep mysteries of Scripture and bringing forth messages of prophetic import. He leads Hope of the World ministry, an international outreach of teaching, evangelism and compassion projects for the world’s most needy. He also leads the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel, a worship center made up of Jews and Gentiles, people of all backgrounds, just outside New York City in Wayne, New Jersey. His ministry can be contacted at and Jonathan Cahn Facebook.

The Harbinger II: The Return will be released by FrontLine, an imprint of Charisma House, on Sept. 1.

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