Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Jim Hockaday and a Story of Miracles, Signs and Wonders

Has the pandemic left you heartbroken and disappointed? Did you earnestly pray for a miracle just to see the opposite come to pass or even with tragedy?

You’ve been asking, God, where are you?

I remember when my son was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease; it was horrible. He was so sick at 11 years old. Bad reports came flooding in all around me as soon as he was diagnosed. The enemy was attacking my entire family in every area of our lives. People around us was dying of Crohn’s, cancer and freak accidents. Then the enemy began to speak to me that all this was my fault! Maybe something I had done while I was pregnant or something I ate had caused his immune system to be compromised.

One day while I was praying, I was crying out to God for mercy and healing. Then I heard His sweet voice say to me, “This sickness is not because of you, or something you have done, and this sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God!”

John 9:2-3 (NLV) says, “His followers asked Him, ‘Teacher, whose sin made this man to be born blind? Was it the sin of this man or the sin of his parents?’ Jesus answered, ‘The sin of this man or the sin of his parents did not make him to be born blind. He was born blind so the work of God would be seen in him.'”

Immediately, my heart was at ease and peace. Faith began to arise that God wants to heal my son, and this journey would be for the glory of God.

Ten years later, we almost lost him during a flare up that left him at 95 pounds in the hospital for 44 days! Again, we cried out to God to have mercy and to heal our son. I remembered what the Lord said, “This sickness is not unto death but to the glory of God!” Again, faith began to arise, and miraculously, he recovered! We are still believing for a complete healing, and in my heart, I know it will be for the glory of God.

John 11:4 (TPT) says, “When he heard this, he said, ‘This sickness will not end in death for Lazarus but will bring glory and praise to God. This will reveal the greatness of the Son of God by what takes place.'”

Here’s how God works; I had a friend who knew Jim Hockaday and thought he would be good for my podcast. I didn’t know anything about him, so I began to inquire of him.

Later, I found out he had been on the Sid Roth show, and this man literally flows in the gift of miracles and healing. But what really caught my attention is when he said he had struggled himself with Crohn’s disease and was healed. That blew me away! On this podcast, you will hear him pray for my son, Rhett Swanson, and a young lady named Bertha Lopez who was diagnosed with an incurable cancer at 11 years old and will be on chemo for the rest of her life. She’s only 20 years old now. He prayed for someone with migraine headaches and more! You’ve got to hear this podcast; you will feel the presence of God.

Jim showed us how we all can operate in the gifts of the Spirit by mere intimate relationship with the Lord and believing God wants to heal us.

Today, maybe life has left you bitter and bruised, and your faith has been tattered. The trials of this life have left you with a hole in your heart and disappointed in God. I want you all to know that God can handle all your emotions, all your disappointments, all your pain, and He can fill the holes the storms and tragedy have left you with. And yes, God will do exceeding above what you can even imagine (see Eph. 3:20)! Walk closer to God, seek His heart and “lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct yours paths” (Prov. 3:5b-6), fill your voids and answer your prayers. You will find yourself walking in the supernatural and living in the miraculous!

It’s time to believe again.

Jim Hockaday is a man who walks in the power of the Holy Spirit with the gift of healing and miracles. He has his own story of miracles, signs and wonders in his own life. Check out his website with all his books, teaching and sermons. If you would like to purchase one of his books go to

Tune in and listen to this amazing podcast, and if you are listening and need prayer, send in your prayer request at, or better yet, tune in to Jim’s Facebook live, so he can pray for you.

Listen to this episode of One Voice with Janet Swanson on Charisma Podcast Network to hear more stories from Jim Hockaday about miracles, signs and wonders in his own life.{eoa}

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