Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

How You Can Unlock the Supernatural and Experience Miracles in Your Life

My best friend and I met in high school. We were both hungry for the Lord and desired to see revival come to our school.

Now, years later, we are both working together at our ministry, Kingdom Encounters International. Before I had Joshua Smith join the team, he had never seen a miracle. Now the Lord is using him in the nations for healing, deliverance and preaching the gospel.

Are you hungering to see the sick healed? We must be people who long to hear the voice of God. Do you know, He wants your family member or friend healed or saved even more than you do?

In the book of Joshua, we read about the priests who are carrying the ark of the covenant. They camped out in front of the Jordan for three days, looking at the big obstacle right in front of them. They looked at the body of water, wondering how they would get across into the promised land.

When Joshua spoke to the priests, he told them that God said to step into the water. It wasn’t until the priests put their feet in the water that the river stopped flowing upstream, and they all walked across on dry ground. They had to take a step of faith and put their feet in the water before the miracle happened.

The Lord wants to do the same thing with you. He is stirring your faith to walk in the supernatural.

Joshua and I were driving in the car one day when we got a flat tire. We took the car into an auto repair shop where we met a woman. She was in extreme pain and could barely keep her eyes open because her migraine was so severe. We started to pray for her in the middle of the tire shop, and the Lord touched her.

When she opened her eyes, she realized she was completely healed. At that moment, we had to hear from the Lord to know to pray for this woman. Sometimes life happens, tires pop, but amid life, you can see the Lord move and touch people around you. God is putting you in a position to cross paths with people you wouldn’t normally come in contact with. Hebrews 11:6 says, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

While I was in India preaching to a group of people, I felt a pull from the Holy Spirit to put the mic down so He could speak. At the moment, everyone looked around not knowing what was going on, but after 15 seconds, glory filled the room. The Holy Spirit poured out, and people started speaking in tongues and getting healed and delivered on the spot.

When you follow the subtle prompting of God, you will see the sick healed. Jesus wants to meet people, and He wants to encounter them. If you have never been used to heal someone, continue to pray for people and step out in faith. The Lord is the one who heals; don’t be afraid that it won’t happen. If you had the power to heal them and they didn’t get healed, then you could be offended if it doesn’t happen, but we don’t have the ability! Allow the Lord to do what He needs to do in every situation, but make sure to give Him the opportunity.

Tune into this episode of Awaken the Wonder with Evangelist Caleb Wampler on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Evangelist Caleb Wampler is Founder and CEO of Kingdom Encounters International. He has seen hundreds of thousands of people come to Jesus in countries that are hostile to the gospel, witnessed incredible miracles and regularly experiences God’s wonder.

For more information on Evangelist Caleb Wampler check out his ministry site at: kingdomencounters.us. Stay connected through Evangelist Caleb’s social media: Facebook: facebook.com/CalebWampler/; YouTube: youtube.com/evangelistcalebwampler.

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