Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Glenn Clark

Examining the ways of Jesus in healing equips us to touch the lives of suffering people

The miracles that Jesus performed were done with such ease that the methods defy analysis. Like a great baseball pitcher who throws the ball with such lightning speed that we hardly can see it, Christ furnishes so great an ideal for us that we despair of following in His footsteps.

Fortunately, Jesus left for us one example of what I might call a slow motion, close-up view of His technique of healing people who were sick. Careful study of this incident will present a perfect model for us to follow with confidence that we are following in the right path.

I invite your attention to Mark 9:2: “And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves” (KJV).

“Six days shalt thou labor” (Ex. 20:9), says the Scriptures, and that phrase “six days” has symbolized good honest work. Our high moments of prayer come, not out of neglecting our duties and responsibilities, but they grow out of facing life’s hard realities with faithfulness and honest toil.

Woe unto us, however, if we become so engrossed in our tasks that we forget to take the time to go apart once in a while and pray. As a climax to any hard work there should always come a place and time for prayer.

The Quiet Hour
Mark continued saying: “Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves” (v. 2). The highest moments of group prayer come only when we have a carefully selected group who are perfectly in tune with us.

These three were the only ones of the 12 that Jesus could count on to ascend to the highest understanding of prayer. In times of extreme need it is our duty to take into the inner closet with us only those who are completely in tune with each other and who possess unquestioning faith in the power of the healing love of God.

But suppose you are going alone into the “secret place of the most High” (Ps. 91:1), without three spiritual friends available to go with you? I suggest that you take with you only these highest attributes of your mind and soul: faith, hope and love, and deposit all fears, doubts, angers, jealousies, lusts and greed down at the mountain foot.

When you enter into your quiet time, it is well to take a few books along. First, the Bible­—a statement of the laws of God’s power. Second, bring a collection of poems, prayers or inspired prophetic literature that will lift your vision to the very stars.

The laws will furnish foundation to your belief; the prophetic literature will furnish inspiration. Thus fortified in the quiet hour, you will be ready to emerge into any situation with the light of victory shining in your face.

Peter would have rested satisfied in that hour on the mountaintop, and with that purpose in mind, exclaimed: “Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias” (Mark 9:5). Jesus knew better. Such a transcendent experience was merely preparation for the humble work of helping His fellow men.

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