Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How Jesus Appeared and Eradicated This Man’s Fears

Left tired and anxious, I finally felt the effects of COVID-19. I was alone for the night and began to reminisce about years past and individuals of personal importance who were no longer with me.

I thought about Grandmother Dickson, whose formal education stopped at third grade but who had made every effort to help me learn the alphabet.

I thought about Grandfather Robbins, who had been what seemed to me the epitome of patience.

And I thought about Mother and Dad, both of whom had sacrificed greatly to make certain I achieved a college education and beyond.

Then my mind wandered to the many years of residence in the Middle East, my extensive travel throughout the world and the fantastic personalities with whom I had been able to interact. Chief among those personalities was my Persian wife, with whom I had spent almost 50 glorious years before her death in 2006.

As I prepared to retire for the evening, the memories all but overwhelmed me. My anxiety grew, and I was sure sleep would be limited throughout the night; I would get up the next day grumpy and tired.

Just prior to retiring, I read a devotion and listened to short religious commentary on YouTube. While the combination of the two had a calming effect on my mind, I began to wonder where all the people whom I had cherished and interacted with here on earth might be. Just as I posed that question to myself, I felt and saw Jesus in a beautiful spiritual form.

I had experienced Jesus’ presence previously, but not as vivid as this.

Suddenly, my fear and anxiety disappeared; the room became very peaceful. Jesus approached me, and without uttering a sound, offered His hand. I accepted His offer with great humility but remained uncertain about what He intended.

My physical body continued to occupy the edge of my bed, but I found my spirit caught up in a beautiful haze. After a minute or two, Jesus lead me through a radiant cloud and pointed to a magnificent throne. All around the throne were brilliant angels. Below the throne were thousands of groups singing hymns and praising God.

Suddenly, Jesus pointed to one of the angels and motioned for that angel to lead me through the impressive crowd. The angel took my hand and almost immediately asked me who I would like to see. I thought for only a moment and then listed the people I had been thinking about and missing just prior to Jesus’ appearance in my bedroom.

For some time, the angel guided me from group to group, allowing time for me to observe each person I mentioned in action and revel in the individual’s contentment. The angel enabled me to enjoy my journey through the massive crowd without once disturbing those rejoicing and praising God.

My heavenly experience continued for some 15-20 minutes. Gradually, the angel and I returned to Jesus’ throne. Jesus covered me with His presence and gently returned me to my reality.

The time with Jesus and the angels destroyed all my fear and filled me with thanks and assurance for my present and future.

I enjoy a blessed affirmation that Jesus knows and cares for me personally. I am totally His, and He is mine. I can easily acknowledge that He is the I Am.

The glimpse of the beauty and enjoyment available in heaven provides continuous satisfaction and contentment, even in times of difficulty and uncertainty. Such a glimpse remains available to any believer ready to interact with Jesus and the angels.{eoa}

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