Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Hobby Lobby Founder’s ‘Miracle’ Granddaughter Pulls Through Successful Emergency Surgery for Cancer

Hobby Lobby founder Steve Green’s granddaughter, Zion, underwent emergency surgery today for a cancerous tumor.

Zion’s parents, Michael and Lauren Green McAfee, found out their daughter had a tumor in her liver less than two months after adopting her.

The McAfees have been keeping their followers updated on social media, asking for prayers throughout the ordeal.

“Zion just came out of surgery – praise God,” Lauren wrote on Facebook today. “Praise God, the surgeon said it could not have gone better. Praise God. We know this is because of the thousands and thousands praying for her. Her life continues to be a miracle. She will have a while of recovery so we are still in the midst of waiting for pathology, recovery and finding out [if] chemo is necessary. Please pray for her comfort and quick healing. But we are so grateful the big surgery went so well and they got all of the tumor out with comfortable margin.”

According to Lauren’s Facebook, she and Michael were high school sweethearts and have been married 10 years. During their seven-year-long adoption process, they discovered their struggle with infertility and were not able to conceive biological children.

A month and a half ago, though, they met Zion in China and adopted her. But on Nov. 6, the McAfees received a call from the doctor saying their daughter had cancer in her liver. Lauren says that this turn of events was not easy for her family.

“I am so amazed that we get to be Zion’s parents through the miracle of adoption,” she writes. “Michael and I love her so much. While we never imagined finding out she has cancer in the first month and a half of being her parents, we feel so honored that we are the ones that get to walk through this with her every step of the way.”

In an earlier post, Lauren said the day of Zion’s surgery was “the hardest 24 hours I’ve ever experienced.” But despite the overwhelming nature of Zion’s surgery, Lauren said she and her husband “serve a good and loving God. Thank you Jesus for your hope that goes beyond circumstances. We are leaning on God.”

Please keep the McAfee family in your prayers as Zion recovers from her surgery.

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