Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

When Rich Vera questioned God about the vastness of his call, he heard God say, “You will do it or you will die miserable.” So, regardless of past wounds and doubts—and today’s COVID-19 restrictions and judgments—Prophet Vera is spearheading a Holy Ghost healing revival in America.

“I believe the Lord is telling me to carry the healing mantle to America,” says the president and founder of Voice of Healing Outreach in Orlando, Florida.

The revival has been said to hearken back to the miracle crusades of the 1940s and 50s. Yet, it’s new. The services are filled with God’s miracle power for today.

People are being healed and delivered. Signs and wonders are changing lives. Faith is growing.

“For years, I’ve been hearing that the miracle ministry is over, even some prominent healing ministers are saying it,” Vera says.

The concern has grown as some of America’s most notable healing evangelists have aged and some have transitioned to heaven. Even in charismatic ranks, many churches are calmer and less focused on God’s miracle-working power.

Involved in miracle ministries since his youth, Vera went on a fast and sought God about this mounting attitude. While in prayer, he heard, “As long as there are human beings on the planet, my miracle power will never cease. I will raise you up to continue to carry the legacy of miracle deliverance ministry to your generation. I will bring it to a level that has not been seen before.”

After that, Vera had a vision. In the vision, he was wrapped in a sheet. There were notable ministers around him, seven healing evangelists: Rev. William Branham, Aimee Semple McPherson, Maria Woodworth-Etter, Kathryn Kuhlman, Jack Coe, Leroy Jenkins and Benny Hinn.

“The sheet was like a mantle wrapping around me, like a sevenfold anointing of all of them,” Vera says. “They all had their own calls, and when you bring them together, there is a new level to be reached for this generation.”

Vera personally knew two of the seven ministers, Benny Hinn and Leroy Jenkins, who mentored him for years. Hinn is the only one still living.

Because of his youth and inexperience, Vera was left in the shadows of his mentors. He’s been called “the Latin Benny Hinn,” which, once flattering, is no longer reflective of his ministry. His prophetic and miracle ministry—along with his direct approach—is unique.

“I used to tell the Lord I was ready for this when I was 19, but I’ve been prepared for three decades,” Vera says. “Now it comes naturally to me. I don’t try to walk out my purpose. I am who God made me to be.”

Throughout his ministry, Vera considers his most valuable training to have come directly from the Holy Spirit, especially during times of great struggles. After beginning so young, there was a time when disagreements and judgments brought offense, something Vera says is “a thief from our walk with God.”

He vowed to not preach or go to church again.

While grilling fish with friends in Hawaii, Vera received a visitation from God. He fell to the ground and spent six hours in heaven, never to be the same again. Jesus’ words were so cleansing and healing that he was delivered from all offense.

“I was so filled with love that I knew I was over it all,” Vera says.

Now, after 20 years of travel as an evangelist all over the world, there’s a symbol—a big white tent outside The Center Arena on Hiawassee Road in Orlando—representing a new era to his call.

“I realize this is it,” he says. “It’s time. God is raising us up to be a healing voice in America.”

New Era

The big tent is a dream come true. Vera and his staff have envisioned it for five years. Delays have been overcome, and the tent provides a second location for people to receive miracles.

The tent seats 3,000 people now and can be extended to allow for 5,000. Revivals are scheduled as the Holy Spirit leads, sometimes with guest ministers and special meetings that last a few nights and sometimes miracle meetings that extend for a month.

The ministry advertises a starting time for Sunday morning and weekday services, but there’s no predetermined time for the final amen. “Church” happens until the Spirit moves otherwise.

“Every night we see outstanding miracles—every time we meet,” Vera says of the outdoor crusades.

When people attending the revival experience the presence of God, it is unlike anything most of them have felt before. And word is getting out.

People drive for hours to attend. They fly in from distant countries. All are welcome to come, regardless of their heritage, religious beliefs or homeland.

Instead of Vera and his staff flying around the world, the world is now coming to them. There are even families relocating to Orlando to be part of the volunteer team that helps make way for the outpouring.

“I went there taking a step of faith,” says Shawn Rudy, a children’s pastor from Babson Park, Florida. He had become well acquainted with pain since having a serious car accident in early 2020. He also had heart problems. After his 80-year-old mother was healed in the tent, she invited him to the Healing & Miracle Revival that stretched throughout October.

“Pastor Rich called me out and prayed for me,” Rudy says. “I began to cry because I had been praying for a physical healing. I was tired of being sick, and I knew I needed a touch from the Lord.”

Rudy got that touch. His neck was healed. He can now freely turn his head. He’s living free of pain.

Afterward, when he went to an already scheduled appointment with his cardiologist, the doctor confirmed his healing. He is no longer in AFib, which is an irregular and often-rapid heart rate that can cause poor blood circulation.

“I told my doctor I went to a miracle crusade and got healed,” Rudy says. “I told him God touched my body and healed my heart.”

Tests were run, confirming the healing. Although the physician refused to give God the credit—saying the medications were working—Rudy persisted. He told his physician that the next appointment would further confirm his healing, and he expected to be taken off all prescription medications.

“I haven’t had one symptom since being healed,” Rudy says. “I haven’t taken a pain pill, whether prescription or over-the-counter, a sleeping pill or had any neck or back pain since I was prayed for. I’m sleeping well now.”

Demonic Deliverance

On New Year’s Eve, Gabriela Guevara’s college-age son tried to kill himself. He lived, barely, with the support of a ventilator for 11 hours. But he continued on a destructive path—doing drugs, dating a witch, living homeless and estranged from his family.

Guevara had prayed for her boy for seven years and sought help from any ministry available. She decided to attend a miracle crusade at the tent, trusting she would receive a prophetic word or other help.

Through a series of what she calls supernatural signs and connections, she received a word that her son would come to a meeting with her. She started fasting.

True to the prophecy, her son joined her as they set out from Cape Coral, Florida. That night, he cried when he witnessed a man’s leg growing to become the same length as his other leg. From there, it was a matter of time until he found his own freedom.

Guevara’s son was saved, delivered from demonic oppression and addiction, and grew in boldness to share what Jesus has done for him. The family has moved closer to The Center Arena and to their son. They now attend Voice of Healing Outreach.

“Before I had religion, but this is just amazing,” Guevara says.

Uncommon Boldness

When people stand before Vera, there are no concerns with political correctness. He speaks what he sees and hears.

Vera frequently sees an ailment in someone’s body as though it’s in an X-ray. Prophetic words can be about an ailment or even a change needed in the person’s life. Often, as he speaks the word, the person is healed.

Regardless of what he sees or says, Vera expects the Holy Spirit to move.

“No matter what is happening in the world, Christ is still the healer,” he says. “It’s not a hopeful statement, it’s a fact.”

“He is blunt,” Rudy confirms. “This is what God has for you, take it or leave it.”

In the most respectful way, Rudy likens Vera’s boldness to that of a righteous “thug.” He’s never seen anyone call out prophecies like him.

Even after his healing, Rudy continued to attend meetings. He invited friends and brought young people from his church. He wanted them to see someone powerfully flow in the gifts to help teach them how to step out into their own spiritual gifts.

“It’s awesome to watch God move and do miracles in people’s lives and know He’s still in the miracle business today,” Rudy says. “So many people today are trying to be so gentle and soft spoken that I think we are failing them. Church is too soft. Prophet Vera calls it like it is.”

Vera’s boldness comes from 30 years of supernatural experiences with God and from seeing God perform His word. At one point, God explained to Vera that His Spirit has no boundaries. Whether people are standing before him, watching him minister online or holding a prayer cloth, it’s the same.

Two years ago, when watching Mister Fantastic in the “Fantastic Four” stretch his elastic arm without limits, the Lord showed Vera that God is the original elastic man. His arm is not so short that He cannot save (Isa.59:1).

“He’s bold and he’s truthful,” says Hector Velez, who has been healed of cancer—twice. “He doesn’t hide behind the pulpit. He doesn’t have any fear of anybody, only God.”

Velez is retired. And with his healing, his days are sweet.

His first healing came under Vera’s ministry about 13 years ago. He had been diagnosed with prostate cancer, stage 4. He underwent some torturous testing only to be told he needed to have his prostate removed or he would die.

“When she said that, something just took over,” Velez says. “I said, ‘No way. I will not die and you will not touch me anymore.'”

He collected his medical records and left, telling the physician he was putting it in God’s hands. He turned to Dr. Jesus.

At one of Vera’s earliest meetings in Orlando, the young minister spoke a word of knowledge about a man with prostate cancer. He then prophesied that Velez would not have cancer anymore. The next day, a doctor confirmed it: There was no cancer.

During a regular physical last year, blood was found in Velez’s urine. Then a urologist discovered a growth on his bladder. A biopsy determined it was malignant. Velez was told they suspected the cancer had spread throughout his body.

“If He did it once, He will do it again,” Velez says. “Jesus Christ is the healer.”

By that time, Velez, 71, had been attending church at The Center Arena for years. He knew what to do. He went to the tent and received his healing.

“Pastor Rich touched me and declared that I had nothing, no cancer in my whole body,” Velez says. “Jesus burned it right out of me.”

The next day, an oncologist did several scans. All tests confirmed Velez was cancer free.

“Ever since, I’ve been feeling great,” he says.

Spiritual Awakening

There’s more than healing going on at the Orlando ministry. The physical miracles of some become the spiritual awakenings of others.

Jesus’ statement in John 4:48 is once again revealed in the heart: “Unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe.”

Rudy not only believed, but his life has been changed. Even though he’s been in the ministry for 25 years, his healing was more than physical.

“It’s been 40 years since I experienced that atmosphere,” he says. “It spoke to my heart. We, as a church, have forgotten that God is right there for us. We just have to ask.”

As a child, Rudy saw people run to the altar. It was a regular occurrence for services to run long while people received prayer ministry. He thinks the church today has forgotten to turn to God first.

“I looked at my seniors, too,” Rudy says. “They would have run to the altar for prayer 20 or 30 years ago. Today they’re not willing to get out of their seats to come forward.”

After his healing, Rudy even brought his pastor to the tent to witness miracles. The pastor was prayed over to receive a double-portion anointing on his ministry. The next week, the church had “an old-fashioned healing line” with praying, prophesying and anointing.

“This has all made me look at my life and remind myself to pray first,” Rudy says. “No matter what the issue, let’s pray first.”

As a member of Voice of Healing Outreach, Velez says the preaching has taught him “to look to God for everything—our health, prosperity and love for one another, even our enemies. Through the Bible God gave us, we learn how to be faithful and how to honor God.”

Whether a miracle crusade or a Sunday service, Vera goes into action. He listens. He speaks. He expects.

“I’m just a vessel,” Vera says. “Christ is the healer of all.

“Whatever comes from man has limits. Whatever comes from God is limitless.”

Janenne Irene Pung is a freelance editor and writer for Charisma Media.

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