Experiencing and Participating in Miracles

“Do you want to experience miracles in your life?!” Of course, everybody wants to see the Lord move with the miraculous. I have personally ask many audiences this question and it is unanimously a big “yes’! However, have you ever considered the fact that in order to see miracles, you have to be in a crisis? It is very likely that you don’t want crises in your life, but the reality is that they have and will come. You will need to see the miracle-working power of God in your life in the coming days.

Actually, there is another way for you to experience miracles in your life; it is by inserting yourself into someone else’s crisis. We are all surrounded by people and situations that require the miracle power of God as their only solution. Let me remind you that (as a believer) the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you! The absolute purpose and plan of God for you and me is that we insert our lives into crisis situations happening in seemingly hopeless lives. In your obedience to God, you will participate in miracles. Personally, I’ve experienced the miracle of salvation and deliverance from addiction in my own life and have had the opportunity for almost forty years to see other young men and women go free by the power of Jesus.

Today, we discuss Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead and His purpose for involving His disciples in that miracle. You will be encouraged, challenged and equipped by this episode of Conquer Addiction on the Charisma Podcast Network. You can find more resources at omainc.org.{eoa}

Ken and Sonya Pounders are the hosts of the Conquer Addiction podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. They serve as directors of Outreach Ministries of Alabama Inc., a Christian discipleship training center for young men overcoming addictions. OMA Inc. recently celebrated its 50th anniversary as a ministry. Ken is also a 1983 graduate of Outreach Ministries of Alabama. Ken and Sonya have devoted themselves to new church planting, missionary evangelism and residential discipleship ministry in the U.S., Eastern Europe, Asia and Central America for 37 years. They reside in Valhermoso Springs, Alabama and have five children and three grandchildren.

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