Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Charisma Highlights: Mario Murillo Issues New Prophetic Warnings About 2022

Following are snippets of the top stories featured this week We invite you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

Mario Murillo Issues New Prophetic Warnings About 2022

2022 is going to fool a lot of people. The same way that 2020 and 2021 fooled them.

Do not let yourself be one of those who is fooled again. 2022 will be a year of extremes. It will either be your greatest year of opportunity or a massive missed opportunity.

Here are the big questions that confront us in the New Year:

VOE Board Clarifies Newspaper Reports on Perry Stone

The Voice of Evangelism board has issued a statement to Charisma Media to lay to rest allegations from critics of Perry Stone, pointing out that a Dec. 25 newspaper article was much ado about nothing.

“There is nothing new to report,” the statement reads. “The story reported by the Chattanooga Times Free Press is lacking in true journalistic substance, and most of all the sources were offered and granted anonymity, allowing the story to be sensationalized. The VOE board stands firm in its decisions and will continue to operate in true biblical godly integrity.”

Charisma News reported earlier this week on the accusations that resurfaced against Stone through the Times Free Press, which included a report that the FBI is investigating his ministry, and shared a statement from VOE that said the newspaper story “bears no new information or allegations.” Charisma News also posted a recent video teaching from Stone that addressed integrity in the media; however, this video was prerecorded and not intended as a response to the recent allegations, per VOE.

Maranatha Megachurch Pastor Ray Bentley Dies of COVID Complications

Pastor Ray Bentley, founding and senior pastor of Maranatha Chapel in San Diego, California passed away on Jan. 4. The church released this statement:

Dear Church Family,

“With grieving hearts, we need to let you know that our dear Pastor Ray went home to be with the Lord this afternoon due to complications of COVID. We are all in shock and heartbroken. We find comfort in knowing that he is rejoicing in heaven with his beloved Jesus. Certainly, he was welcomed with those beautiful words, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’ Please pray for Vicki and their family and for our church. More information will follow, but for now we needed to let you know and ask for prayer.

What the Lord Prophesied on New Year’s Eve

This not a light and fluffy or dreamy prophetic word being regurgitated by a timid minister who is trying to convince their congregants to think happy thoughts, as they apprehensively move into the new year, to disguise their own fear. Neither is it a positively, powerful word to trick listeners into believing that 2022 is going to be a year of great things—more prosperity and dreams come true—so they can gain more followers. That’s what happened before entering into 2020 and 2021, and none of the fluffy, dreamy words even remotely came to pass.

The body of Christ doesn’t need to be placated or coddled any longer by cowardly ministers who can barely handle the truth themselves, much less dole it out to their followers. Believers need to be told the truth…the real truth. Lack of knowledge causes people to perish but the truth sets people free.

I want the raw and real facts, not the fluff, so that I can be battle-ready just like a soldier for whatever may be ahead. I want words that cause courage to rise up in me and cause me to stand unshakeable and immovable in Christ while staring directly into the face of fear. God has commanded us to be strong and courageous, not timid and afraid. The truth be told, Revelation 21:8 says that cowards will be thrown into the lake of fire along with all the grossest and most evil sinners. So we need truthful words that will make us brave in this season.

When Jezebel’s Intercessors Attack You

Jezebel’s intercessors are on a mission to steal, kill and destroy what God is trying to build in your life, your church, your business or your city! It’s up to you to stop tolerating this demon’s antics.

While I was teaching in my School of Prophecy, I had an unction from the Holy Spirit about Jezebel’s intercessors. Here’s what I said:

“There are those who espouse themselves to be intercessors but they are nothing more than gossipers. They never pray about a thing. They just want the information. They are Jezebels in disguise. Jezebel is an information-seeking spirit. They are not seeking the information so they can pray and see God intervene, they are seeking information to prey—p-r-e-y—on your hurts and wounds….All intercessors are not pure-hearted or true. Some of them have false agendas.” {eoa}

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