Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Are You Connecting When You Communicate?

In a world where we are communicating through text messaging, social media and other media platforms, it’s easy to believe we have healthy communication. The question is, are we “connecting” in our communication?

Let me answer that for you. I would propose that most of us are not. The world feels like it’s at war with itself. Everyone has an opinion or critique and is a so-called expert on something.

At the core of it all, connection is missing, and this is even more evident during this global pandemic. If there were ever a time for a revival of connection it’s now. The world needs to stop, breathe, selah and get back to deep connection. It starts in the home and family, friendships and your neighborhood.

You are invited to join in this powerful interview with Dr. Glenn Hill of Nashville, Tennessee. He has a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy, a Ph.D. in clinical sexology and has been working with families, marriages, businesses and leaders for over 30 years.

However, he considers his greatest achievement to be his 38-year marriage with his high school sweetheart, Phyllis. Together they are the founders of the Connection Codes, the science and research-based blueprint and tools for how humans connect in relationship.

This episode will be sure to unlock a whole new world of understanding when it comes to truly connecting with those around you. Enjoy episode 14, Revive the Connection, on the Supernatural Leadership Podcast with Shawn Gabie on the Charisma Podcast Network. Let’s change the world, one connection at a time. {eoa}

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