Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Appropriating the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus

The following is two-way journal exercise handed in from a Christian Leadership University student taking the course Naturally Supernatural.

Lord, speak to me about the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. How have I been using it? Have I failed to use it?

“You have used it on occasion but have largely lived out of a sense of duty and striving to do only what I can do through you. This is a hard lesson to learn, especially for those who have been taught from an early age to perform, strive, to do and not to do. My way is so much better. It is the only way of Life. The other is certain death and defeat. You have experienced both the life and the death, but far too often you have experienced the death.

“I want you to trust My Holy Spirit, who is teaching you to walk in Him. It will only happen in reality as you fix your eyes on Me and only Me. Your eyes are so often fixed on you, your lack, your insufficiency, your sin and the struggles with sin and on the problems and issues that surround you.

“I have given you spiritual eyes and ears to use and to see Me daily. It is not once a week. It is a lifestyle of faith, one of walking in the Spirit of life.”

Lord, at times I think I get it but when temptation comes, I give in so easily.

Son, that’s because your focus is and has largely been on where you have failed in the past, and the law of sin and death is allowed to rule through guilt, shame and condemnation. The cycle of death will continue when your focus and gaze is on anything other than Me and My Spirit of life with you.

Welcome Me and invite Me into your life the moment you awake. Turn the gaze of your heart to Me and away from all else and you will see Me and live.”

Lord, speak to me about rules for energizing my life through Your Holy Spirit.

“It is crucially important what you are aware of throughout the day. Is it Me and My life-giving Spirit? Is it Me and you joined together as one? Stop and ponder throughout the day to pause to see where your focus is. It would surprise you to find out that a good percentage of the day is spent being self-conscious and sin-conscious rather than Jesus-conscious. It was a wonderful and miraculous work when My Spirit came into you, and we joined together in spirit. See us together, joined and connected. When My heart beats, you are aware and sense it because we are joined.

“When I am moved with compassion, or righteous anger, you are there with Me. Let this oneness and joining together of our spirit be your main focus. Throughout the day, welcome Me into your life. Do this regularly. Invite Me and My Holy Spirit into your life daily and throughout the day. Make it your main focus and desire to find this place of rest in Me and awareness of My presence. Do not be afraid to declare and to speak out loud what I say and show you. It is important for you to agree with Me in word and heart. Confess the Lord Jesus. Speak forth all My truths, rhema words and vision that I freely give to you.”

Lord, what do You want to say to me concerning quieting myself and sensing You within me?

“There is only one way to live, and that is in Me. Drawing from Me. Living in Me. Hearing Me. Seeing Me. Being aware of Me and coming to Me as a little child with simplicity and grace.

“You have allowed the enemy of your soul, My enemy, to trip you up and cause you to live in fear, shame and much guilt. You are trapped right now. You have proven that living in fear, shame and guilt is not the solution. It is in turning the gaze of your soul to Me and hearing and seeing Me on a regular basis.”

Father, Lord, it seems I know these things and try to apply them, and when temptation comes, I give in. I determine to remember that I am crucified with Christ, that I am dead to sin, dead to the law and alive to God.

“Son, it is one thing to think about these things and another to dwell and meditate and get these truths deep within your heart where you will begin to believe and live out of these truths and not out of your past, confusion and defeat. Your eyes are in the wrong place, son. I have given you the tools. I have provided everything you need to rise up in Me, be My child and live as a child of God, the Most High.”

Lord, what picture would You like to show me to help?

“You have the picture of that painting that Earla painted of My hands holding a baby who is asleep. My hands are huge. See yourself safe in My hands. See yourself as precious in My sight. See yourself as one who has been bought with a great price. One that has been redeemed from the curse and from sin. That is who you are. You are not one who is forever doomed to such low standards of living. I have called you higher—to live the heavenly life, not such a lowly earthy existence.” {eoa}

Mark Virkler, Ph.D., has authored more than 50 books in the areas of hearing God’s voice and spiritual growth. He is the founder of Communion With God Ministries and Christian Leadership University, where the voice of God is at the center of every learning experience. Mark has taught on developing intimacy with God and spiritual healing for 30-plus years on six continents. The message has been translated into over 40 languages, and he has helped to establish more than 250 church-centered Bible schools around the world.

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