Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Your Supernatural, Practical Keys to Breaking Free From Fear

Do you know that the Bible says “do not fear” more than 150 times? Isaiah 41:10 says, Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, yes, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

God certainly knows that we human beings are prone to be afraid of anything that threatens us. It can be a good thing for self-preservation from physical danger, but a spirit of fear can completely paralyze us and keep us from trusting in the promises of God. That’s why your enemy uses fear as his No. 1 tactic to keep you in bondage and prevent you from fulfilling what God has called you to do.

Early in my single parenting journey, the Lord revealed to me that I was filled with all kinds of fears. He said, “If you are going to fulfill the call I have on your life, you must doubt your doubts and face your fears.”

I was indeed filled with a lot of doubt. I doubted I could continue in the ministry as a divorced single mother. I also doubted I could pay all my bills. But the Lord reminded me that these doubts were merely whispers of the devil, who is “a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44d).

Then God told me, “You need to doubt those doubts.” So, whenever a doubt would enter my mind, I would simply say out loud, “I doubt that! I know God is going to provide. I doubt that! I know God’s going to fulfill His call on my life.” It worked. Faith began to grow in my heart, and the doubts slowly faded.

After doubting my doubts, I had to face my fears with faith. The first fear God dealt with was the fear of not being provided for—a fear rooted in childhood when the financial pressures my family faced weighed heavily on me. One day, during a time of prayer, God impressed upon me that it was nothing for Him—the great, big God of the universe—to provide for my needs and those of my daughter.

The years following this revelation were exciting as I experienced the miraculous provision of my heavenly Father time and again. The most looming expense I faced was my monthly mortgage payment, and yet, every month, the Lord came through for me. I didn’t always appreciate the way His provision came—always at the midnight hour—or that He often called me to humble myself and ask a certain person for the money I needed. Other times, I wasn’t permitted to ask anyone for help.

There was a woman at church who always asked me if there was anything I needed, and the only thing God permitted me to say to her was, “Yes, I need diapers for my daughter.” All the while, I was thinking, Lord, I need a lot more than diapers! But I soon realized that God desired my obedience because He was patiently building faith in my heart.

What are some doubts that have hounded you recently? Take a minute to do this little exercise. Check all that apply.

___ I doubt God loves me.

___ I doubt God can forgive me.

___ I doubt my needs will be met.

___ I doubt God can turn my situation around and use it for good.

___ I doubt I will be fulfilled.

___ I doubt I will overcome my struggle with _____________.

___ I doubt ________________________________________.

Now it’s time to doubt your doubts! Search the Scriptures (using an online resource, if it helps) to find verses that contradict these lies of Satan. Write them down and commit them to memory in order to encourage yourself the next time doubts come creeping in.

Go to God in prayer about your doubts and fears, and make sure to listen for His still, small voice. One word from the Lord is enough to defeat all manner of doubt, so give Him space to speak. Be sure to record any impressions He gives you or Scriptures He brings to mind.

If you are thinking, This is silly. I feel foolish. I’m not going to do this, you can be pretty sure that is the voice of your enemy talking to you. He does not want you to break free of fear. His favorite weapon is to disable you and render you harmless against his kingdom. Breaking free from fear is worth the risk of feeling foolish.

Finally, I want you to make this declaration out loud, “My doubts and fears can’t stand in the presence of Jesus!” Then spend some time worshipping the King of kings.

It’s by His power that we overcome the lies of the enemy and break free from fear. {eoa}

Danette Crawford is a powerful speaker, author, TV host and international evangelist with a refreshing message of hope and encouragement. Danette has a master’s degree in counseling from Regent University. She is the founder and president of Danette Crawford Ministries, and its outreach arm, Joy Ministries Evangelistic Association Inc. The ministry organizes inner-city work with over 23 different compassion programs dedicated to sustainable aid. Visit Danette’s website at Tune into Danette’s podcast, Joy with Danette Crawford, on the Charisma Podcast Network.

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