Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Why You Simply Are Not Entitled to Be Offended

Offense is running rampant through the earth. People are offended over racial acts, governmental decisions, medical decisions and job statuses, among other things.

One of the chief complaints I hear in ministry is that “my pastor doesn’t value my anointing.” I get countless calls with people claiming they are entitled to some form of ministry or retribution. They aren’t valued, and they want justice.

I want justice, too, when it is merited. In the case of racial discrimination, yes, we should want justice to be served, but we aren’t entitled to feel offended.

We aren’t owed anything! Jesus took offense to the cross. We shouldn’t get offended! Should we want justice and fairness and fair treatment for all humans, whether medical, financial or social? You bet! However, we shouldn’t get offended in the process. Jesus took offense to the cross.

Entitlement and retribution aren’t ours. Our responsibility is to be love, give love and receive love. God is our vindicator and judge.

In the place of ministry, churches divide because of offense. Pastors are removed from the pulpit unfairly because of one person’s offense that runs rampant. Worship teams are destroyed, and the work of the Lord gets a bad name because people are offended. The Bible speaks of humility, and when we are truly love as the Lord exampled and walking in humility, we won’t be offended.

What if I told you it was possible never to be offended again?

It is!

I have practiced not being offended for years. I choose love. It is a choice, and even though I may want something dark brought to the light or someone to be held accountable for their actions, I can make sure that is done with love and without offense.

I can call a store manager and present a solution to a problem they have instead of getting offended at the problem. I can form a new ministry to help disciple people or root out racism. I can pray for the government and do my part to bring forth change.

I was speaking to a friend recently, and she wondered, instead of everyone getting offended, why don’t they do something about what they are offended about? It is not suitable for us to kick, scream, holler and throw a fit when things don’t go our way or we have been wronged. We need to be change agents and exude love daily.

How can you conquer offense? By realizing Jesus took offense to the cross and defeated every offense against you. Humbling yourself and realizing you aren’t entitled to anything. Your God-given assignment is to be love, give love, serve God and serve people.

One of the most critical facts that kept me out of offense was that bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness are the core of offense, and they are a root cause to cancer, sickness and disease. When I wanted to take in an unproductive emotion or response, I would simply let the thought or emotion roll off my shoulder. I’d brush it off. Why? Because I would think of my family, my husband, my children and even all of you, the people I need to minister to. I would say I need to be around for all of you.

I can’t allow offense to penetrate my heart and bring forth sickness and disease. I can’t allow my health to deteriorate and not be able to entirely accomplish God’s will for my life. I need life and need it abundantly to do what He has called me to do.

God has a plan for your life too. Instead of grumbling and complaining about something, ask the Holy Spirit for divine wisdom to bring forth change positively and productively.

Spend some time repenting for offense, pride and entitlement. Ask the Lord to forgive you. Break agreement in the spiritual realm with demonic strongholds that may have entered and learn to let go and forgive. Jesus modeled forgiveness for you; now learn to release it to others. {eoa}

Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic deliverance minister releasing the love and power of God, to ignite and activate people, release prophetic destinies and deliver people from the bondage of the enemy. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and K Advancement LLC. Kathy hosts a weekly podcast show called Prophetic Spiritual Warfare on the Charisma Podcast Network. She additionally, has several online empowerment courses at She is the author of several books, including: Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, Unshackled and Warfare Declarations. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook or visit

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