Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Why You Must Not Let Your Faith Grow Cold

In the war waging in the spiritual realm around us, a recent episode of Faith to Live By with Pamela Christian on the Charisma Podcast Network will teach us that “you are assured the victory to the degree you remain in the battle.” Has your effort grown cold? Has your fervor run dry? It’s time to reset your heart on fire for the Lord.

Host Pamela Christian says, “In order for us to successfully contend in the faith, we must have a clear and unwavering understanding of all Christ accomplished and who we are in Him.” Do you know who you are in Christ?

She says, “When Jesus spoke of having faith the size of a mustard seed being sufficient to move mountains, He clearly revealed the quantity of faith is not the issue. A mustard seed is very small. It’s not how much faith we have, but how pure and how right our faith is, regardless of the size.

“We have all authority we need to arrest the enemy of God and the effects of sin. We also have access to the power of the Holy Spirit, but unless we are properly knowledgeable … we won’t fully appropriate the power available to us.”

If you’re ready to fully embrace the power of the Holy Spirit within you to fight the battle and arrest the enemy once and for all, listen to the full episode here. {eoa}

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