Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why Christians Can No Longer Ignore This Spiritual War

While racism has become a hot-button issue in America since the May killing of George Floyd, there is a centuries-old form of the social disease that continues to go largely ignored around the globe—Antisemitism.

The war against God’s people—the Jews—continues to rage around the world, as evidenced by violent attacks against synagogues and Jewish individuals that have filled the news over the past few years. And, Susan Michael, USA director of International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, says it has gotten progressively worse since the COVID-19 pandemic struck at the beginning of 2020.

Michael says the attack against the Jews is just that—a war—and it is demonic in nature.

“What makes antisemitism so unique is that, compared to any other bigotry or hatred in the world, as a Christian, I would describe it as spiritual,” Michael told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “As a historian, it’s eternal; it never goes away. And you can go back 4,000 years in history and begin tracing this hatred of the Jewish people.

“It keeps cropping up generation after generation, no matter where in the world and no matter what the culture, it comes back,” Michael said. “It’s been described like a virus that you think you may have stamped out in one society or one century, only to have it come back later with a slightly different name or variety. But at the end of the day, antisemitism always has the same goal, and it’s to rid the world of the Jewish people. And it’s shocking when you realize the spiritual nature to it.

“That’s why it’s so important that we, as Christians, come to understand this and what we need to do to stand against it. … It’s a spiritual war against God Himself. But His people are caught in the middle. The devil knows if he can get rid of the Jewish people, then he’s gotten rid of God’s plan for the earth and the full implementation of His kingdom on earth. Therefore, they are a target.

For more about the ICEJ and its work to eradicate anti-Semitism, listen to the entire podcast.

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